Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 - Little Vic's Perseverance

Since they had run into each other downstairs, it was a natural matter of course for them to go upstairs and chat for a while.

Strictly speaking, Victor and his roommate were actually housemates. They only shared the main living space and laundry room.

In these European-style apartments, a small dining area was set beside the kitchen; they sat down on a sofa set to the side.

The posters on the walls, pillow on the couch, magnet on the fridge, pendants hanging from the door handle, and sketches under the glass of the dining table of this place... were all of Lord Four.


Victor also realized this point and forced himself to act calm as he hurriedly tried to pour water for Tyron while blocking the fridge magnet with his body. He reached his hand behind his back and pretended to inadvertently peel the magnet off, putting it into his pocket.

Then, he quietly went to clear up the pendants hanging from the door. Knowing there was nothing he could do about the posters, he finally went to try and deal with the pillow on the sofa.

Victor sat next to Tyron, smiling and chatting while he tried his damned best to stuff the pillow into the gaps between the sofa cushions.

He had no idea that it was completely pointless! Master assassins were able to take in the entire scene at a glance, and could remember practically all of it.

Tyron held back his laughter and pretended not to see Victor's hard work as he said, "It seems like you've been busy lately."

Victor ultimately sat on that pillow and breathed a sigh of relief. He regained his composure and said, "No, not really. In fact, I just started working and I'm not quite used to it."


Victor had recently set up a studio. It was called the Vicker Studio.

Tyron: "......"

Victor: "Ah, I'm not very good at coming up with names..." QUQ.

"No. Actually," Tyron covered his mouth with his hand and showed a thoughtful expression, "This studio name sounds very cute."

The little flower inside Victor's heart blossomed and went into full bloom in an instant.

His studio had just been set up. It mainly operated as a creative platform for artists, choreographers, editors, writers and other creators to freely publish new works, share resources, mutually promote each other, and discuss ideas.

"When I made a video and put it online, I noticed that a lot of original works and clips had difficulties protecting their rights," Victor explained. "And sometimes, when the things that were made out of love and passion became a little popular, it would be plagiarized and copied&#k2026; Later on, I got to know even more creators and we all agreed that we needed a place that would protect the creators and their work, so this studio came into being."

Victor didn't say that it had all started because the video he made had been plagiarized and he hadn't been paid any copyright fees.

--It was clearly stated that people who used Lord Four's image needed to pay 15%!

--How dare they bully my male god! It's not fair! I'm going to represent my male god and beat you up!

With this in mind, Victor was very unhappy. He spent more than half a month doing research and finally decided to set up a studio.

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