Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 - Praiseworthy Light

The next day, Victor was a salted fish once again.

He vowed that he would never like hot springs again. Even if he liked hot springs, he would never do it in the water next time...

Last night, the hot water had just gone in when he collapsed, shivering and pleading for mercy as he said: It's too hot inside! Let's go ashore!

The War God said: It's indeed very hot inside.

His gaze was one of approval.

Victor: .....

Victor had wanted to cry at the time, feeling like a helpless lamb who had been dragged into the water by a crocodile, his helpless bleating sounds also quivering.

The crocodile brought him into the hot water, stretched out his barbed tongue and licked him all over. After tasting every inch of his flesh, he took him ashore and cleaned him up again, pretending that he hadn't done anything wrong. He even looked at him with eyes that seemed to say 'how could you be so weak?'.


Victor was a very good child and was always very well behaved when he slept, but he was so tired this time that he actually snored in his sleep.

Tyron was very alert when he slept. After being woken up by his occasional snoring twice, he had no choice but to get up. In the middle of the night, he squatted down beside the bed and stared at Victor with a gaze that was full of academic inquiry.

Victor unconsciously smacked his lips together and snored for a full second before going quiet again.

His voice wasn't loud, and the sounds were weak and intermittent, ringing out only once or twice every half an hour. However, when compared with a continuous and stable series of sounds, the sudden stimulation was more effective in waking up the master assassin who was beside his pillow.

Tyron carefully reached out to pinch his nose.

The snoring stopped. Victor snorted twice, but didn't wake up because he was too tired.

Tyron: "......"

Alas, he hadn't slept calmly with anyone in thousands of years. It was also the first time the master assassin had encountered this kind of problem. At this moment, he thought to himself: Alright, then. I heard that one should tolerate the many small bad habits of human children when dating them.

It didn't matter. Forcing himself to instantly fall asleep in order to replenish his strength was also one of an assassin's many abilities.

Tyron lay back down and entered a state of self-hypnosis, falling asleep in seconds.

Victor: "Ang..."

Tyron instantly woke up.

And instantly went back to sleep.

A few minutes later, Victor: "Hic!"

Tyron instantly woke up.

And instantly went back to sleep.


The night passed just like that. The next day, Tyron woke up according to his own biological clock that was accurate to the millisecond and discovered that his quality of sleep had been surprisingly good.

He covered Victor in the quilt and was in a good mood as he went out to exercise.

He also made sure to take a large pile of information that Victor had prepared for him when he went out.

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