Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 - Provincial Competition - Hacker

In any case, Tyron never got around to drinking the milk.

Victor was immersed in the music, the story, and the beauty, and it took him a long time to react. By the time he had realized and wanted to pester the old antique about it, he discovered that he was already playing online.

Victor: "......"

Victor went on his alt account and watched quietly. When he saw that Tyron was doing simulation exercises with AI hackers on a customized battlefield, he was relieved and went offline.

He sat by the bedside and stared at Tyron for a while, setting the milk on the bedside table as he pondered over the old story. He suddenly came up with an idea: How about making models of Song of Triumph and Deep Silence? Tyron seldom took the initiative to talk about his past, but maybe he missed the real Song of Triumph? ... Well, actually, there were ways to directly make the real weapons and not just models.

Victor had never been reluctant about trying anything that would make Tyron happy.

He went to do it since he'd thought of it. Victor got up and contacted manufacturers who could create customized, classic, cold weapons.


Virtual battlefield.

Tyron and the system's simulated hackers dueled several times, and he slowly figured out the several different schools and routines that hackers had.

In fact, it was very similar to interstellar people's summary. A hacker was a very different type of mage and was naturally at a disadvantage against assassins.

The hacker who would be fighting against him in the next round, 'Universal Day', followed the 'sorcery' school that was known as 'shooting a cold gun'. He was good at using the 'model replacement' type of special instructions, sometimes changing his own model to set up an ambush, or sometimes changing an obstacle to force his opponent to switch routes, or changing models in large batches in order to form a more intricate trick--when his opponent was confused, he would come out and shoot two shots out of the blue before immediately changing models and running away.

This way of fighting was really shameless. If this sorcery school was used well, the hacker would become equivalent to an assassin with infinite invisibility. It was just that his invisibility needed to be 'loaded' in advance--the command needed to be inputted first.

Moreover, if the modified model was attacked or hit by anything, it would change back. This made it so that they couldn't be used for attacks.

The hacker's main source of damage was from his cold gun. Of course, the hacker would also immediately change back to his original shape when he attacked.


The next day, Odin and Universal Day's match was slotted for the morning.

When Odin first went up onto the stage, he discovered that there were more and more people from the rainy day cult in the audience.

When other people came up onto the stage, their fans would crazily hold up their name signs. Only Odin's fans held up rain dolls!

Originally, this rainy day cult had just been a prank by the fans. Later, more fans joined in without knowing what it meant, thinking that it was some new secret thing, following the trend, and buying rain dolls...

The cult developed very quickly. By now, the scene was very spectacular when Tyron came up onto the stage: Waves of white fluttered in the audience, and tens of thousands of faceless rain dolls rose up and moved in his field of vision.

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