Chapter 64

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Chapter 64 - Solo Match - Card Summoner

Like all of the interstellar people who snuck online, when the old antique master assassin came online, he thought to himself: One, just one game. He'd relax a bit and then go offline.

Then, his first match ended in less than three seconds.

He didn't know that because his new account had no previous match statistics, the system had matched him up with the lowest level players. In other words: the first player he'd been matched with was definitely a newbie.

Additionally, this newbie was an assassin.

When he charged straight over and stabbed at Lord Four with a dagger...

Tyron had thought that he had a follow-up move, so he sidestepped to the right and used his knife to slash at his wrist, and then--

And then, the newbie's dagger fell out of his hand.

Tyron: "???"

The master assassin thought that it was a trick, so he didn't take it lightly. He picked up the dropped dagger and performed a simple series of attacks.

The newbie died.

Tyron: "......" Hm?

After the match, the newbie even deliberately sent him a message, "Turn off your plug-in, or I'll report you. You'll be crying when your account's gone!"

Tyron: indifferent.jpg


Therefore, the old antique master assassin realized: No matter what kind of level he thought his previous opponents had been at, in fact, anyone who could make it into the finals of the regional competition was already a pretty good player. There was a definite difference in level between 'professional players' and 'amateur players'.

If professional players spent 80% of their lives training themselves to fight, then amateur players at most spent 20% of their lives unconsciously entertaining themselves.

If the master assassin had to be included in this comparison, his entire life was built upon battle, so he had to be very strong and was much stronger than everyone else.

Having him compete with professional players was like having professional players fight against amateurs--it wasn't impossible, but there were very few people in the entire group who could pose a threat to him.


So, after Tyron finished the first match, the system judged it like this: Killing a rookie in a second must mean that he was a pretty good player.

Then, in the second match, the master assassin jumped up two segments and was directly matched with a player at the level of an ordinary expert.

This time, Tyron knew what was happening and allowed the other party to live for an extra 20 seconds, so there would be no more instance of insta-kill.

Twenty seconds later, the match was over again.

System: Oh! Another insta-kill! This person is even more powerful than the average expert.

So, in the third match, the system matched him with the top 10th percentile of experts in the Third Star Province.

Twenty seconds later, the match was over again.

System: I know! This is a professional player's alternate account! Youth these days are all thinking about nothing but abusing newbies, abusing newbies, abusing newbies'.

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