Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 - Provincial Competition - Elemental Dancer 3

Two blades sliced across and interrupted the spell once again!

After being approached by an assassin, having them use techniques in order to continuously interrupt spells was every mage's nightmare!

It had to be a technique, because all of the system's interrupt skills had a long cooldown, and only techniques could be released without a cooldown.

Moreover, this was a very difficult technique to classify. It was usually described as 'melee attack accuracy', because it was very difficult to continuously and accurately hit a mage's vocal cords during the course of an ever-changing situation--if they could achieve continuous spell interruption, then the melee attack accuracy could be said to have reached a point where the contestant could attack wherever they wanted with precision. (In traditional online games, this melee attack accuracy was basically equal to having a critical hit rate of 100%.)

Commensurate with its difficulty, the benefits of such accuracy were also unlimited--

Especially in the face of mages!

There were two well-known ways for mage contestants to resist 'spell interruption' or break through the technique: first, use instant-cast spells that only required a single syllable; second, use the highly difficult technique 'skill reconstruction' and instantly change the spell to release a different spell with a weaker effect.


Out of all the mages across the nation, Geng Chen was undoubtedly one of the top masters of the 'spell reconstruction' technique!

When her eye of the storm was interrupted this time, her health had already been dropped to 30% by Odin! Basically, she'd be done for after another attack while Odin's health volume was still very healthy!

However, her expression didn't change. In the blink of an eye, she formed a new spell: shadow of the wind!

The effect of this spell blew the enemies around her outwards with a gust of powerful wind.

Male commentator: "An extremely beautiful counterattack! I dare to say that as soon as Geng Chen saw Odin's shadow jump, she was already prepared to be interrupted and took advantage of this to use a wind-blowing skill. Don't forget their positioning at the time--"

--They were both standing under the ginkgo tree on the edge of the cliff.

When Tyron appeared behind her with his shadow jump, he had the cliff to his back.

Geng Chen's improvised wind-blowing spell aimed at shooting him down.

Female commentator: "Ah, contestant Odin has been blown away! However, I feel like he still has something up his sleeve!!"

Instead of saying that Tyron had been hit by a spell and fell off the cliff, it was better to say that Tyron had also prepared to leap back with his two blades crossed in front of him.

His clothing fluttered in the wind, his hood covering his cold, dark golden eyes as his figure disappeared into the dark fissure.


The fissure was long and narrow. It was about two and a half meters wide, but it was so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen.

Everyone could see that after Odin fell off the cliff, Geng Chen immediately ceased her eye of the storm and once again regained the advantage of flight.

At this time, the female commentator said, "Odin seems to have no plans of coming up for the time being! Will Geng Chen chase him inside? Should she chase? Would it be a good or bad thing for her?"

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