Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 - Entertainment Competition...

The commentator was already shocked silly. "Hey, hey, hey, what are you guys doing? Why did Lord Four kill his own tank?"

The public screen immediately replied with:

"Report! We didn't do it!"

"It's just a friendly reminder about Flower Blower always going off to tease Lord Four!"

Flower Blower resurrected and came back, gritting his teeth the whole time as he watched the public screen......

And on the opposite team...

The Blue Team expressed: "Welcome, welcome. We already have a sniper who shoots at his own team. We're just short of a tank that will randomly jump to the back for no reason."

Flower Blower expressed indignantly: "I've already locked the skill in order to prevent myself from jumping back subconsciously!"

The two sides clashed and tried to stir things up, surrounding the Red Team's swordsman.

Commentator: "Oh, the Red Team's tank, Flower Blower, defected!! He joined the enemy to surround his own team's swordsman. The swordsman could not bear the humiliation and jumped... jumped off the cliff to his death???"

Swordsman: "I did not jump off the cliff! I just didn't know that a swordsman's sprint skill can't be stopped halfway! This melee profession is too tricky!!"

Commentator: "So, the Blue Team has a sniper that will kill his own team, and the Red Team has a tank who has already joined the enemy. Are both teams back to fighting 6v6? That works, it's very halal!"


Amidst the chaos, Tyron didn't even look over at the swordsman who had rushed down the cliff. Instead, he charged straight into the Blue Team's formation.

The commentator was extremely excited as he spoke, "Lord Four is going to stage another wonderful massacre! Get the music ready! Go!"

On the Blue Team, their tank restrained his impulse to run off as soon as he saw Tyron using flash to charge at them. His hair stood on end as he lifted his shield and held it up to meet Tyron head-on.

But then, Tyron's flash stopped abruptly, leaving him standing there for a whole second!

The Blue Team's mage had no experience and smashed an instant cast spell into the ground. He had a dazed look on his face as he continued chanting the next spell.

Following that, there was the sound of a gunshot in the distance--

At the same time, Tyron's figure flashed, his entire body practically attaching itself to the shield in front of the Blue Team's tank. He used a simple shadow dance and released the first combo of hits!

Just when the tank was about to take a step back, he suddenly discovered that he'd lost a big chunk of health!

Commentator: "Oh my god! The Blue Team's sniper fired another shot at his own tank's head! May I ask if you're a traitor sent over by the Red Team?"


Sniper: "......"

Everyone knew that wasn't actually the case.

Only, he was an inexperienced sniper, and it took about two seconds for him to aim&#k2013;&#k2013;perhaps he himself hadn't noticed this habit, but Tyron had discovered it.

Tyron was the most experienced of master assassins, and he had already figured out the rhythm and habits of the sniper in just three shots.

When Tyron had appeared to be idly walking around near the Blue Team, he had actually already grasped their rhythm. By the time he appeared behind the Blue Team's tank, the sniper had just been ready to shoot at him--

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