Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 9

Start from the beginning

Jian took out his phone and called his mother. When she picked up, Jian started explaining everything.

"We will come right over. We are on our way," Mrs. Huang said.

Biyu, Jian, and Weimin continued to sit and wait in apprehension. Waiting for the police, their parents, and Jun's family to arrive.


Edward hid on the top of a roof after escaping from the Huang family home. He sat down, feeling dejected. His expression shifts from despair to anger. He is angry at Biyu for choosing Jun over him. Come to think of it, Edward realized he doesn't mind having more than one girlfriend, let alone more than one wife (Considering the fact that his creator is a Mormon and some Mormons from certain denominations still practice polygamy to this day. Also, Twilight is strongly influenced by Mormonism.). Biyu can join his harem if he could just get her to see how nice and beautiful he is. Since Bella fell in love with Edward, Edward assumed that Biyu will do the same just in a slightly different way.

Edward pulled out the purikura photo he stole from Biyu and stares at it. He glances at Jun in the photo and glares even more angrily. He hated Jun. He hates him from the bottom of his heart. He hates that Biyu chose Jun over him.

"Soon she will see.." Edward said to himself. He disappeared from the roof and went to reunite with Bella and his family.


It has been several hours now ever since Jacob played with his little friend. He laid on the ground butt-naked, his shorts and underpants still at his ankles and panting amorously.

"That felt good," Jacob said.

He stood up and looked around to make sure nobody is looking. He looked out from the alley in the direction of the Jang family home.

"When school starts for her, I'm making my move," Jacob said to himself.


The same police officers arrived again. The police did not get a chance to introduce themselves earlier.

Lee (older cop) and Shin (younger cop).

The officers waited with the victims at the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Song and Gun, their younger son, finally arrive at the hospital. They talked with the doctor who informed them that Jun will be done with surgery soon.

Biyu explained the whole story to Mr. and Mrs. Song and how Jun got injured.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true," Biyu said, feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Song would not believe her story and would get angry that Jun stayed the night at Biyu's home.

"We saw wanted posters of that man you just described. So it was him who broke into your house and he had the nerve to do it again. Don't worry, we believe you," Mrs. Song said.

"That burglar is still at large, we have to be vigilant," Mr. Song said.

Mr. and Mrs. Huang arrived and their children tell them the whole story.

Since Mr. and Mrs. Huang already knew about Edward beforehand, they were outraged that he returned.

"That ferocious man had the nerve to come back again and he even injured Jun!" Mrs. Huang said bitterly.

"Usually, burglars don't ever come back to the house they broke into but if they come back a second time, they're a stalker," Jian informed.

"We need to do something fast. He needs to be put behind bars," Mr. Huang said

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