At school, Zhan was spaced out most of the time. LiYing was always on the rescue though, and Zhan is glad she was there when he needs help. 

Naturally, the day passed with no problems. Zhan was able to escape questions from his students and co-workers thanks to LiYing. 

It's around six in the afternoon where Zhuocheng dropped them by the daycare to pick Sean. It was the unluckiest since Yibo was there waiting with him. 

LiYing instantly glared at the person who Zhan bawled his eyes for, 'fucking asshole, he dares to show his face to Zhan,' she thought, teeth gritted as her blood boiled.

"Uh... Hi, good evening," Yibo greeted, Sean pulled him when they saw the two arriving. 

"Mommy, mommy! Can I play with uncle Bo more?" the child asked, tugging on Zhan's shirt. 

LiYing's nose crunch, brows knitted, and about to crouch and talk to the kid but Zhan stopped her. Zhan knows the female-alpha is worried for him, that he might feel the pain again. But for Zhan, his kid's happiness comes first before his feelings. He smiled to LiYing, a forced one, "It's okay. He asked for permission yesterday and I gave him chance to act as a father to MY son," he whispers for reassurance. 

LiYing looked at Zhan, she can sense pain in those smiles, nonetheless, she nodded and let Zhan talk. "Of course baby, if only uncle wants to," he smiled to his son, crouching to carry him. 

Sean looks in Yibo's direction, with a wide grin he giggles, "Uncle play with Sean moreeee!" he cheerfully says. 

Zhan looked at his son fondly, how can he refuse if the kid looks this happy? His feelings don't matter, his son is more important than anything else. 

On the way to Zhan's house, LiYing was on guard, throwing death glares at Yibo.

Well, Yibo guessed much, 'She probably knew everything by now. Her death glares were more intense than yesterday,' he thought, trying to ignore the death glares directed at him and focus on Sean instead. 

Dinner was made by Yibo, Zhan used his excuse that he had work to do to avoid eating with them. Yibo knows that he's avoiding him, either way, he set a container of his portion and place it in the refrigerator, praying that Zhan would eat it. 

After dinner, Yibo assists the kid in showering. Then convinced him to sleep early, the kid obliges after a few persuasion. And now, he was left with LiYing in the living room. 

"Let's talk outside," she says which leaves the other clueless, either way, he followed her outside. 

As they arrived at the front yard, she snaps, "Why the fuck are you still around Zhan?" she asked directly. Her blood is boiling and ready to snap any second. 

Yibo looked in her direction, brows furrowed, "What do you mean?" 

Her brows furrowed even more, 'does he think acting clueless can bail him out?' 

"Why the fuck are you showing your face here?" she said sternly, teeth are gritting. 

Yibo sighed, "I'm here in this place is by accident, I didn't know he was here for fuck's sake. And why are you even angry at me when you don't know what happened? It's not like you have any label to call your relationship with him, right?"

And that hit the mark, he's right. Zhan calls him 'friend' (at least that's their label), but he only knew that Zhan is hurting because of him, nothing more. It's shallow information and here she is getting angry at him despite not knowing the whole situation.

She clicked her tongue, what can she say? She's cornered with his remark. "Hmp! just know your distance!" she retorted. 

"It's you who should know your distance. If you're just pursuing him just to get him because he's an omega that caught your eye, I tell you I won't hesitate to fight back." he declares, 'cause he deserves better' .

"For now, I'll prioritize what makes him comfortable, but if you tell me to disappear from their sight, I won't. I know where I'm placed," he said sternly, true to his words. And so he marched back inside, grabbing his things before leaving the house. 

LiYing's fist was clenched tight, who the fuck is he to tell her that? "Just so you know, I will not give you any chance to come back them, fucking asshole," she mumbles into herself. 

"Did he leave already?" 

She came back to her senses after hearing Zhan's soft wary voice. she looked at the door and saw the omega peeking his head to look outside, looking around to see any presence of his ex.

Her gritted teeth were replaced with a fond smile, her fist relaxes as she turns completely to face Zhan, "Yeah, he just left. Let's go inside, you also needs rest since you didn't slept last night," she says, making her way inside.


A/N: Yeah, I'm too shitty today. lol hahahaha anyways, it's exam week and I just wanted to inform everybody that there may be a night I won't be able to update. Thank you for your consideration. 

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