27. All I Want ♪

Start from the beginning

"Anyways," Aurora sat a plate down in front of Diamant before taking a seat too. "My mom called me earlier while you was still sleeping."

"Okay," Dia nodded her head, waiting for her to elaborate.

"She invited us over for dinner. And I told her I'd ask you if you wanted to go first."

"You know I love your mom. Of course I wanna go, but... I can't," she had a real apologetic look on her face. "I gotta go to the studio today, and then I leave for Atlanta in the morning so I still gotta pack for that."

"Right," Aurora Pouted. "I forgot about that."

"I feel like we just got back in town and we already traveling again," Dex called from where he was now washing his dishes in the sink.

"I wish you could come with me though," Dia said to Aurora, completely ignoring Dex's comment. "You should come. I'll only be there for like three days."

"Yeah, but I got an event we're catering on Tuesday, and ain't no way I can leave Wyatt in charge of that. He already be doing so much for me with overseeing the new restaurant we opening up. I can't ask him to do all that."

"Fine," Diamant frowned. "I'ma miss you though."

"I'ma miss you too babe."

"You act like you don't see each other enough," Dex rolled his eyes at the entire exchange.

"Cause she's all I want," Diamant smiled at Aurora.

"Y'all are so fucking gross," Dex mumbled under his breath. 

"You realize this my crib right? You can see yourself out."

"Don't worry, I'm bouta leave anyway. I got shit to do before we leave tomorrow," he was looking down at his phone screen. "My pops is in town so I'ma go see about him."

"I thought y'all wasn't talking?"

"Nah we moved past that," he shook his head. "We cool now."

"That's good," Diamant took another sip of her coffee that was no longer hot anymore. "Let me know how it goes."

"Mmhm," he hummed. "I'll call you tonight."

He went to the living room to get his stuff then came back to the kitchen. 

"Don't start that shit Dex," Diamant huffed when she saw how he was standing there looking at her. "We see each other too often for you to still be doing that."

"Don't act brand new," he held his arms out to her.

"No," she shook her head. "Goodbye Dex."

"Oh Dia," he pulled her off of the bar stool and into his arms, slightly lifting her off of her feet as he hugged her.

"Dex, bruh let me go," she tried to shrug out of his tight hold on her.

He pulled her close and placed a kiss on her forehead before letting her go, dropping her back down to the kitchen floor.

"I'll see you in the morning Dia."

"Whatever," she pushed him away from her, glad he released her from the very tight embrace he'd pulled her into.

"Bye Aurora."

"Bye Dex."

As soon as Dex left, Dia wiped the back of her hand across her forehead where he kissed her. "I can't stand that nigga sometimes."

"I think it's cute," Aurora laughed to herself. "It's cute how much he obviously loves and cares about you."

"It's not cute," Dia rolled her eyes. "It's annoying as hell. Dex is too fucking big to be acting like that. He wouldn't intimidate a damn soul if he wasn't ten feet tall, cause he's literally the softest nigga I've ever met in my life."

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