Chapter 22

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"Thank you so much. I'll be sure to give you a call about the increase." Spencer saids, shaking a businessman's hand. The businessman smiles, thanks him and leaves Spencer's office. "No problem. Aye, congrats on your family Mr. James!" Spencer smiles. "Thank you sir. Have a nice day." The businessman leaves and Spencer immediately sighs, thinking about Liv and Kiara.

Spencer's Thoughts:

Part of me wants to worry but Liv said she can handle it. If she can then she can... right? I'm calling her.. you know just to be sure...

Spencer pulls out his phone to call Olivia. He waits for the phone to ring. After a few rings, Liv finally answers.

Spencer: Hey baby, are you-

Olivia (sobbing)

Spencer: Baby, are you ok? What's wrong?

Olivia: (sobbing) I'm sorry... I'm so sorry

Spencer: Woah baby.. baby calm down. What do you mean you're sorry? What happened?

Olivia: (sobbing) I'm so sorry Kiara...

Spencer was confused. He didn't know what was going on. He hears Liv and Kiara both crying but he didn't know why. Now at this point, Spencer was extremely worried.

Spencer: Baby, I need you to calm down for me ok? Where's Kiara?

Olivia: (sobbing) Oh god... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to do it.. I swear I was just-

Spencer: Olivia... what happened? What did you do?

Spencer was annoyed. He was tired of being clueless. He wanted to know now.

Olivia: (sobbing) I need help.. I need help Spencer... I can't... I can't do this.. I can't do this.. aaa

While Spencer is trying to talk to Liv, he hears noises in the background.

Spencer: Baby, what's all that noise? Olivia, what happened? Tell me please? Are you and Kiara ok?

Olivia: (sobbing)

Spencer: (sighs) Baby please stop crying...

Olivia: I'm sorry Kiara... I'm sorry Spencer...

(Olivia hangs up)

Spencer: Olivia!

Spencer grunts in anger and leaves his job to go see what's wrong. Meanwhile, Mia and Q were making out in the office when the phone rings. They both grunt before Mia answers.

Mia: This is Mia

Spencer: Mia... I need you and Q right now!

Mia noticed Spencer's tone. She already knew something was wrong. She gets worried. Q notices.

Mia: What do you mean? What happened? Is everything ok?"

Spencer: Something's wrong with Liv. I think she has postpartum depression. I called her and she was crying uncontrollably. I tried to get her to explain but she wouldn't budge. She kept saying she was sorry about something but I don't know what it was. Then I heard noises around the house and I heard Kiara crying too.

Mia: (sighs) Oh my god... we're on our way!

Spencer: Thanks

(They both hang up)

"What happened?" Q asks confused. Mia quickly grabbed her keys. "Liv has postpartum depression. And she needs our help!" Mia saids with worry. Q nods, already understanding and they leave the restaurant to see Liv.

Unlocked PassionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora