Chapter 12

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Olivia's Thoughts:

"Three months have gone by since everything that happened with Amelia and Q. Honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It's just shocking to see how much they have gone through. Even though in the back of my mind, I still don't trust them, part of me does want them to get the help they so desperately need. Now, about me and Spencer. We have been really good, actually. We agreed to focus on the business aspect of things and that is what we exactly did. We brought in more investors to take a look at Spencer's products and so far, they all have been impressed with his ideas. Anytime, he would ask me for tips on what to do, it ends up paying off in the end. Also, we grew as friends. He has been taking me to lunches and we would mostly have funny conversations. I like his sense of humor. I also love his charm. He would always know how to make me smile. Unlike my ex."

"Yeah.. my ex, Calvin. I haven't told Spencer about him yet but I am planning on it. Part of me doesn't want to because he brings back bad memories, hence why I was struggling for years. Calvin was the reason I wasn't able to focus on my goal. I never told Spencer the reason I was struggling but now I believe it's the best time to. I'll be honest, I'm hesitant to get into another relationship. I love Spencer, I really do, hell I was already attracted to him when I first saw him, but I don't know if he is going to end up being like Calvin. But I'm really sure Spencer isn't like Calvin."

"I wouldn't lie and say I'm waiting for me and Spencer to officially start an official relationship. But time will come. So overall, life has been pretty normal. And I honestly wished it stayed this way, but knowing deep down, it probably won't."

Spencer's Thoughts:

"So far, three months have flew by since the events of Q and Amelia. And honestly, it's still a lot to process in my head. To think that two of the most important people in my life end up being not themselves, and them getting help, is just really shocking. I really hope they're ok. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't have my trust issues with the both of them, considering they could come back into our lives and ruin it, but part of me wishes the best for them. I hope they're both in a good place."

"Now, about me and Olivia, our friendship finally grew. Yes, even though we agreed to focus on the business aspects of things, our bond just grew more and more.  I offered her to take her to lunch dates and we would have really amusing conversations. Even though the lunch dates have been really nice, I've never officially asked her out on a dinner date at a fancy restaurant and I am planning to tonight. I think it's time for Olivia Baker to be officially be my girlfriend. After all the wait, I don't think I can wait anymore. Hopefully, it all goes well and she says yes."

It was a normal day at James Enterprises and Spencer was on the phone talking to an investor. "Yes, I can assure you we will provide you with the best of our contributions with your shares." Ok.. ok.. thank you so much. Have a nice day." As soon as Spencer hangs up the phone, someone knocks on his door. "Come in." Spencer saids. Olivia walks in with a binder full of paperwork. They both smile at each other. Especially Spencer. He is more excited about today. He was going to ask Olivia to be his girlfriend. But Olivia doesn't know that yet. He needed the right time to ask and he thought that today was the best moment.

"What's up?" Spencer asks smoothly. Olivia slightly blushes. She smiles and puts down the binder in front of him. "Here are the lists of contributions or ideas to be able to help with the {insert company's name here}'s shares." Spencer nods and slides over the binder to himself. "Thank you Olivia." Olivia smiles. "You're welcome sir."

Olivia was about to walk out when Spencer stops her. "Hey, Olivia..." Olivia turns to look at him. "Yes?" She asks. She walks back to him. Spencer takes a deep breath before finally asking. "So, um... I was thinking. You know, we've been bonding and growing a friendship for a few months now and it's been really good right?" Olivia smiles and nods, agreeing. "Yes, it's been really good."

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