Chapter 27

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It was the next day and Olivia arrives to see Ms. Brown to have her very first therapy session after she, herself, agreed to talk to a therapist about her depression. Spencer is with her since he decided to take the day off to be with her. Kiara is home with Grace watching her so they was fine. Mia and Q said that they was going to meet up after work.

Spencer and Olivia are sitting in the office waiting for Ms. Brown. Olivia smiles at Spencer while holding his hand, thankful that she wasn't going to be alone during these sessions. They look at each other smiling. Even though Liv has ok, she still felt a little nervous. Spencer knew it. He cues her to look at him. "Hey, you're going to do great. Just say what you have to say. Say your truth. Don't hold anything back." Spencer saids, assuring Olivia. She nods and gives him a kiss on the lips. "Ok."

Just then, Ms. Brown walks in. She is a black woman who has a beautiful afro, clear skin, good figure, and a great business looking outfit. She reaches out to shake Olivia and Spencer's hands. "Hi, I'm Ms. Brown. Nice to meet you both." Ms. Brown saids. The couple smiles. "Nice to meet you too." They both say. She sits down on the chair across from them. 

"So, Olivia, what brings you here?" 

Olivia takes a deep breath. This is it. The moment she has been waiting for. She's about to share her true feelings regarding herself. 

"So um... I have been having postpartum depression for two weeks now and it really hasn't been easy." Liv starts off. Ms. Brown nods, listening. Liv looks at Spencer who gives her a smile. She nods and keeps going. "Um.. recently we had a break in. And the people that broke in, we knew them. They used to work for Spencer. They wasn't trusting at all. They would have plans to separate us to only use us for their pleasures. After they found out I was pregnant with my baby girl Kiara, they decided to take things to the next level. They broke into our house and try to kidnap our daughter. Our newborn daughter. I couldn't believe it. We couldn't believe it. So, me and Spencer thought....enough was enough and we decided to finally take matters into our own hands since they have been torturing us for too long. So they were dealt with and they now gone from our lives for good."

Ms. Brown nods. "Wow, I am so sorry you had to go through all of that." Liv slightly smiles. "It's ok. We were just glad that they were gone. So um..." Liv stops. She becomes anxious again. She chuckles. "I'm sorry." 

"No it's ok. I have a feeling you have a lot to say, so speak your mind." Ms. Brown saids, encouraging Olivia. Olivia nods before continuing. "So, for the past two weeks, after the whole break in incident, I have been mostly alone in the house taking care of Kiara. I have been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, changing diapers, doing hair.. it was.. a lot. At first, I thought it wasn't difficult. I thought it was going to be easy. But it turned out, it wasn't. Ha... this day... this one specific day.. is probably the one day I'm never going to forget." Ms. Brown nods, ready to hear Olivia's story. 

"So, one day, I was woken up by the sound of my daughter crying. Wo, she cried a lot. I tried talking to her, seeing if she would stop but she wouldn't budge. So, I decided to go downstairs to give her, her bottle. Once I was doing that, I saw the kitchen and living room filthy. That's when I realized that I forgot to clean the night before. So I was about to clean but my daughter kept crying because she wanted her bottle. So I gave her, her bottle when Spencer came downstairs to say good morning. He heard Kiara cry and I told him that she just needed her bottle and that it wasn't a big deal. He then saw that the house was dirty and volunteered to take the day off work to help me out. But I said no, thinking I was able to handle everything. You know, clean the house, do laundry and take care of our daughter, all at the same time."

"He had a meeting to go to so I didn't want him to miss it. He asked me if I was sure and I said yes. I can handle everything. So he saids ok and goes upstairs to get ready for work. Me thinking that my baby girl was done with her food, I took away her bottle, making her cry again. Spencer joked with me and said: {Sounds like she wanted more}." They all laugh. 

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