Chapter 17

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"What are you doing here Amelia?" Q asked as he least expected to see her after what happened. Amelia smiles, looking happy to see him. She appeared fine. She didn't look broken. She looked clean and healthy. "I've heard you were back in town and I wanted to see you. Can I come in?" Q was hesitant at first but he eventually decided to let her in. "Sure." He lets her in and they sit on the couch. They sit in silence for a few seconds as they didn't know what to say to each other. They haven't seen each other since the incident with Liv. 

"So.. um.. I see that you're clean." Amelia saids, starting off the conversation. Q awkwardly laughs. "Yeah.. um.. I've been clean for six months." Amelia congratulates him. "Congrats. I'm proud of you." Q nods before they sit in silence again. "Um.. I see that you're ok as well." Q saids, trying not to make it awkward. Amelia nods. "Yeah, I've been going to therapy for a few months now. So far, it's been really good. I think I've gotten the courage and strength I needed." Q smiles.

"Um.. so why are you here?" Q asks, finally getting to the point. "Right.. um.. well.. I wanted to come here to tell you something." Q gets interested. "What is it?" Amelia sighs. "I want to give us another chance." Q looks at her with a sad expression, as he thinks about the times he hurt her while they was in a relationship. It refers to his old ways and he didn't want to go back to that. He thought his life was going good. Amelia notices his expression.

"Listen, I know we had it rough but I want us to give another chance. We both clearly gotten the help we need and I think it would be cool if we were back together, living our best lives. So, what do you say?" Q still had a sad expression. He didn't want to hurt her feelings but he needed to say his truth. He didn't love Amelia like that anymore. He had feelings for Mia. Plus he didn't want to think about his old ways. Q sighs.

"Um.. listen Amelia. I appreciate the offer but I don't think it's best for us to be together right now. I've caused you too much pain for so long that I'm honestly afraid of going back to my old ways. And I don't want to be. I'm living good right now. I have a job, I'm keeping up with my money and I'm honestly happy right now. And plus, I have feelings for someone else." Amelia felt hurt when Q said that he had feelings for someone else. She thought that he would be happy to take her back, but that wasn't the case. Q tried to lighten the situation. "Listen, I'm really trying so hard not to hurt your feelings..." Amelia cuts her off. She fakes a smile. "No, it's ok. I understand. You're doing good right now and me being involved in your life is going to affect it so I'll just go." She starts to get up to leave but Q stops her. "Amelia, it's not like that..."

"No, really, it's ok. You're right. We've had too many bad memories in this relationship. It's best this way if we're apart. I wish the best for you. Really I do." Q wanted to be sure. "You sure you're going to be ok?" Amelia nods and smiles. "Yeah, I'll be ok." Q nods. "Alright, well.. I wish the best for you too." Amelia smiles. "Thanks. Bye Q." Q saids goodbye back and Amelia leaves the apartment. Q sighs, hoping that went well.

Amelia is out of the apartment, switching up her mood. She rolls her eyes and gets upset. "Please, like I even wanted your ass anyway. I was just coming to spy on you. You can have that bitch Mia. I'm here for my man, Spencer. Sorry baby, I just can't stay away from you." She then walks away.


Olivia sees Jax at their door, surprised. "What are you doing here?" She asks, confused. Jax smiles. "Hey Olivia, I was wondering if we could talk in private?" Liv was still confused as to why he was here, let alone wanting to talk alone. "Um.. sure. Um Mia, would you mind giving me and Jax a second to talk?" Mia gives a suspicious look since she's never met him. "Who's he?" She asks. "My apologies ma'am. I'm Jax, Spencer's bodyguard. Nice to meet you." Mia doesn't smile at him, already not trusting him. "Mm, yeah. Let me know if he does something to you." Mia saids to Liv. Liv nods and then Mia side eyes Jax, walking into her room. 

Liv lets Jax in and they sit on the counter. "So, why are you here? Did something happen to Spencer?" She asks, concerned. Jax calms her down. "No, nothing happened. But something happened to me." Liv gets worried. "What's happened?" While Liv and Jax were talking, Mia snuck back to where they were and records the convo on her phone, just in case. 

"Not today bitch!" Mia thought.

"See..." Jax starts to strip in front of her. Liv gets uncomfortable. "This boner has been happening to me for months. I fucking want you. I can't hold it in anymore. Give me your pussy girl!" Jax starts to forcefully grab Olivia and try to kiss her on her neck. Olivia screams. "Jax! Get the fuck off of me! Mia!" Mia then storms out the room with a gun in her hand. "Get the fuck off of her!" Jax backs away and puts his hands up. "Get your horny ass out of here and don't come back!" Jax smirks. "Ight." He puts back down on his clothes. 

Jax walks out the apartment. "You better be lucky your friend is here. Don't worry baby, we'll see each other again. And when we do, I'm going to fuck the brains out of you and you're going to be screaming my name instead of bitch ass Spencer's." Liv is extremely upset. She clearly doesn't want any part of Jax. "Please, I don't want your horny ass!" Liv saids with attitude. Jax chuckles. "You will, eventually. (gives a kiss) See you later baby." Jax leaves the apartment, leaving Liv shaken. 

Mia comforted Olivia. Olivia starts to cry. "Oh, Liv.. it's ok. I got you." Mia decides to let Liv release her emotions. Liv cries for a few minutes before calming down. "Do you want to sleep with me? You won't have to be alone?" Liv sniffles and nods her head. "Ok. Hold on." Mia grabs her phone to press stop record. Liv notices. "You recorded everything?" Liv asks, surprised. Mia nods. "Hell yeah! I didn't trust him! And it's a good thing I didn't. Now we just need to tell Spencer."

Liv starts to cry again. She felt like an idiot for trusting Jax. "I'm such an idiot. I trusted him. Spencer convinced me to trust him and I did. And then he ends up doing this to me." Mia comforts her more, as she felt bad for her best friend. "Well, now we know that both Amelia and Jax are both the ones to look out for." Liv agreed. "Well yeah, now that I know that they're siblings!" Mia is shocked. "Hold the fuck up?! Those bitches are siblings?" Liv nods. "Girl, yes, I didn't believe it either. Spencer told me at work."

Mia sighs. "Wow.." They sit in silence for a few seconds before agreeing to going to bed. "Alright, it's getting late, we should get to bed." Mia saids, with Liv nodding. "Yeah. And don't worry, we will tell Q and Spencer tomorrow about what happened. We gotta make sure Jax and Amelia are gone! Period!" Liv saids before Mia agrees and they go to bed, ready to expose the two bitches.


Oh wow! This book is getting so good! I'm tired of these two! The siblings got to go! But don't worry, our two best men Spencer and Q are going to handle it as soon as they find out!

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