Chapter 1

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(Granted, I've never read the books. I've only seen clips of the films so don't come for me about any comparisons or whatever because this is my imagination of this spelivia book. I'm not trying to copy anything. This is just pure inspiration. Hope you guys enjoy this book!)

Olivia Baker exits out of the cab to look at the tallest building in Los Angeles. James Enterprises. Owned by famous CEO and businessman, Spencer James. It was crazy to Liv how they were the same age and yet he is owning a multi-million dollar business. She wishes that she was as a successful businessperson just like him. But she realized that she needed to work hard and achieve her dreams by taking things slowly.

Olivia was nervous as she was walking to the building. She didn't know how the interview was going to go. She could fuck it up. Or she could completely nail it. She will never know. Until now.

Olivia walks into the elevator going up 25 floors. The ride seemed long but it went by so quickly. By the time, the elevator dinged to the 25th floor, Olivia walks out to see a female consultant as a desk smiling at her. Olivia walks up to her smiling back.

"Good morning, you must be Olivia Baker, correct?" The consultant asks looking at the clipboard in front of her. Olivia nods her head. "Yes, that's me. I'm supposed to see Spencer James for an interview."

The consultant nods and smiles. "Ah yes, I'll take you to him." Olivia follows the woman to a room down the hall with the two fancy doors. The consultant knocks and opens the door to inform Mr. James. "Um... Mr. James, Olivia Baker is here to see you."

Spencer was doing paperwork when he looked up to see Olivia walk in. She was wearing a blouse and a pencil skirt with black heels. She had on dark makeup and a low ponytail. Even though he is meeting her for the first time, it appears that Spencer is already taking an interest into her. Spencer smiles and adjusts his suit before kindly asking his consultant to leave. Before she left, she whispered to Olivia: "It's ok, don't be nervous. You got this." Olivia slightly smiles and quietly thanks her and they both go their separate ways.

Olivia finally takes a seat and immediately lock eyes with Spencer. In her thoughts, she is admiring the beauty and sexiness that is in front of her. The way his body looked in that suit, she could see his huge muscles through that suit. His face, his beautiful chocolate face, his smile is increasing her attractiveness to him. I think she had already fallen in love with him without even knowing or talking to each other.

Olivia's Thoughts:

"Damn, I never thought I would see this sexy ass man in person. His face, his body, his entire presence, is perfect. I bet his dick is really huge too- wait, calm down Olivia, what are you saying? Contain yourself. You're here for an interview."

While Olivia was in her thoughts, Spencer was in his thoughts too while looking at her.

Spencer's Thoughts:

"Fuck, I know I'm only seeing her right now instead of talking but, damn is she sexy. It's just something about her that is already attractive to me. She is so beautiful. Her beautiful face matching with her beautiful figure. If only I could rip off that blouse off of her- wait Spence, keep your dick in your pants. You're supposed to be interviewing her. Focus and keep it professional."

Spencer clears his throat and Olivia immediately snaps out of her thoughts. She is now focused on the interview. Spencer gets up from his chair and leans on the front of his desk, giving a sexy smirk.

"So, Olivia Baker right?" Spencer asked, starting off the interview.

"Yes, that's right." Olivia answers. Spencer nods. "Beautiful name... Olivia..." Spencer saids smoothly staring straight into her eyes. Olivia blushes. "Thank you."

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