Chapter 15

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"So, you want to work here, at my place huh?" Mia asking Q, who is sitting across from her, low key nervous. Q nods and smiles. "Yes. I want to be able to show off my cooking skills and contribute to the team here." He saids this with confidence. Mia nods, taking in every word. "Look, I know you are probably a great cook but let's be honest here, I don't fully trust you. After what you did to Olivia and Amelia, I don't know if you're going to go back to your ways again."

Q knew Mia had the right to feel the way she's feeling. She was right. After everything he put them through, how can he be trusted? Q looks at Mia. "Look, I completely understand. You have the right to feel the way you feel about me. But there was and still is a reason that I am recovering. I'm three months clean and I am blessed to be. I swear to you, I won't hurt you, Liv, Spencer or anyone ever again. I don't want to go back to my old ways. I want to be able to live my life. I want to be able to provide for myself. I want to be able to achieve my goal, which is owning a food restaurant. I want to be able to show and teach my cooking skills to any inspiring cooks. So please, if you could just give me a chance to work here, I promise I won't disappoint you."

Mia sighs softly, knowing he's meaning every word he saying. She doesn't want to completely, but for now she believes that Q would be a great fit for Mia's Magnificent Grill. "Alright, you got the job Q." Q smiles and shakes Mia's hand, grateful. "Thank you so much ma'am. I won't let you down. I got you." Mia softly laughs. "You're welcome. But you better not fuck up." Q nods. "Trust me, I won't." Mia saids ok and she gives Q the tour of the restaurant before getting him to work. 


Two hours go by and Q is so far impressing Mia with his orders. Customers are loving his way of the food being served and because of that, he ended up getting tips. A few more hours go by and it was the end of the shifts. The restaurant was closing soon so Q helped Mia clean up before leaving. 

"I gotta say, you're a natural for being a rookie here." Mia saids, genuinely smiling. She was really impressed with Q, considering it being his first day on the job. Q smiles, thanking Mia. "Thanks. Um.. whenever I cook, something clicks in my mind but I can't tell what it is. It's like when I cook, I'm just... just..." 

"Yourself." Mia finishes Q's sentence. Q smiles. "Yeah, exactly. I'm myself. I'm in a good space." Mia nods, understanding where she is coming from. "Yeah, I feel you. I feel the same way when I'm cooking. Me cooking is like my stress ball but I eat my food instead of squeezing it." Q and Mia both laugh. Mia gets slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry if that sounded weird." 

"No, it's fine. I get it." They clean in silence for a few seconds before Q speaks up. "Um.. so is this all? Do I have to do anymore?" He asks, willing to do more work. Mia thinks before saying: "Um.. yeah. I think that's all. You don't have to do anymore. You're all set." She smiles at him. Q smiles back. "Thanks Mia, for this job. I really needed it." Mia smiles. "You're welcome. But hey, just because I'm nice so far, don't mean I still don't have my trust issues with you. I'm watching you James." Q chuckles. "Ight, you can watch me all you want sister. I'm not going to break your "trust". Mia blushes at his smooth deep voice. Q leaves to go home. "Well, I'm about to head home. I'll see you at work tomorrow... boss." He then winks, bites his lips and leaves out the door. 

Mia's Thoughts:

"Wow. He is really cute. Plus.. he's really impressing me with his cooking skills so far. Wait.. Mia.. calm down. You don't fully trust him so why are you already feeling this way towards him? Give him time and if he comes to your graces, then you can have feelings. But for now.. do your thing and let him do this thing. (sighs) Ok..." 

Mia then turns off the lights and closes her restaurant before going home. 


Olivia was in her office typing up her last bit of paperwork when Spencer knocked on the door. "Come in." Liv saids before Spencer walks in smiling. He then closes and locks the door. "Hey, babe, what are you doing?" He asks, walking behind her. He kisses her cheek and neck, making Liv blush. "I am finishing up this last bit of paperwork but you are... really distracting me right now." Spencer jokingly pouts. "Aw, poor thing." He then continues to kiss her neck and un-button her shirt. Liv starts to pant while typing up her last sentence before saving her work and closing the computer.

She then turns to Spencer, smirking. "Look. I have to go home to my girl tonight so let's make this quick." She starts to un-button her shirt. Spencer licks his lips, un-buttoning his shirt. "Yes, ma'am." He saids before he picks up Liv and they have quick sex.


Olivia comes home, walking kind of off balance and Mia notices, who is sitting on the counter. She laughs. "Ha, oh my god, girl, did you really have sex before you got here?" Liv chuckles, walking to Mia, sitting next to her. "Yes I did. And it was amazing quick sex." They both laugh. "So, how Q do at work?" Liv asks, changing topics. Mia sighs and smiles. "He was really good, surprisingly. I thought I had to slap him to get things right. But he ended up pleasing people and getting tips himself so I say he was a great asset today." 

Liv smiles at Mia smiling. She knows Mia's expressions when she likes somebody. She gasps. Mia looks at her confused. "What?" 

"Oh my god, you already have a crush on Q." Mia deny this. "Girl please, he hasn't gotten my panties wet." Liv laughs. "He is just a really good worker. That's all. No feelings towards him. Plus, I don't fully trust him yet. I'm glad he's clean for now but I want him to stay that way. I don't want him making dumb decisions that would cost him his job." Mia saids honestly. Liv nods, completely understanding. 

"Yeah, I feel you. Give him time. He will come around." Liv saids, comforting Mia. Mia smiles. "Thanks, girl." They then hug each other. "Now, take a shower because I can smell Spencer's dick on you." Liv laughs and hits her arm. "Shut the fuck up." She then leaves to take a shower while Mia drinks her tea thinking about Q.


Q arrives to his clean apartment, smiling because he was proud of himself. He was blessed to where he was now. He puts down his stuff and turns on his tv. While he is watching, he looks at the yellow envelope that Joanne gave on the table. He picks it up and finally opens it. What he sees is heart-warming. He takes $5,000 from the envelope and a letter, making Q tear up. He didn't expect this kind of reward. 

He puts down the money and reads the letter.

"Dear Quentin,

I wanted to give you this reward because I knew you needed it. You deserve it. You have came a long way since you came to this facility. And now, you're out living your life. And you should be proud of yourself. I know I am. Go out there, achieve your cooking business and always provide for yourself. Make sure to use the money for good use. Until we meet again...

Sincerely, Joanne"

Q breaks down after reading the letter. He was genuinely appreciative of Joanne. Other than the people in his life, she was the reason he gotten himself together. She made him have confidence, she gave him love but most importantly, she gave him encouragement. Q folds the letter and puts it and the money back in the envelope. 

"Thank you Joanne.. for everything." Q saids before he cooks himself dinner and watches tv, relaxing for the rest of the night. 


Aw, this was a soft chapter. I like this chapter a lot. It felt cute to me. Don't worry, I won't keep it calm for long.. (evil laugh) 

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