Chapter 18

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It was the next morning and Mia and Olivia were planning to tell Spencer and Q everything about Amelia and Jax. Mia already woke up cooking breakfast, while Liv just got out of the room, with her clothes on. Mia smiles as she looks at Liv. "Good morning baby. Did you sleep good?" Mia asks, caring for Liv after what she went through last night. Liv is calm but she hasn't forgotten what Jax tried to do to her. "Um.. honestly no. I just can't believe that Jax did that. All because he wanted me." Mia sighs while cooking. "Yeah, I can't believe he did that to you. I'm sorry." 

"It's o-" Liv started to feel sick. She immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up. She wiped her mouth, brushed her teeth and went back out to the kitchen. Mia was worried. "You ok, girl?" Liv nods. "Yeah, um.. I just had the feeling to throw up for some reason." As soon as Liv said that, both girls looked at each other in shock. "Girl, I think you're pregnant." Liv was shocked. She didn't think she would be pregnant that quickly. "Oh my god..." Liv saids. Mia smiles, thinking this is a good thing. "This is a good thing, right? I mean, aren't you happy?" Mia asks, while serving plates. Liv starts to get anxious. If she is pregnant, what would Spencer's reaction be? He probably wouldn't want a baby to be a distraction in his business.

"I'm just worried about Spencer's reaction. I mean, we just started becoming a couple and now there's a possibility that we could have a child on the way. I mean, he probably wouldn't like a distraction to be in the way of his business." Mia sighs and rubs her arm. "Liv, I'm sure he won't think that. The best thing to do is to take a test and if the test turns out to be positive, then tell Spencer. He won't be mad at you. He loves and cares for you a lot. He would probably love being a father. And I know you would love being a mother too. Right?" Liv smiles and nods. "Yeah, I mean, I've always wanted a family. Maybe this could be a good sign." Mia nods and smiles, giving Liv a hug.

"There you go. Be positive. But we still have to be cautious because we never know what Jax or Amelia could do." Liv nods, understanding. She wanted to be happy that a possible child is on the way but she still had to be cautious around her because of Amelia and Jax. "Yeah, um.. let me go to the store real quick to grab a test-" Mia cuts Liv off. "Girl, I have one in the bathroom." Liv was confused. Mia noticed. "What? You never know. I could get dick one day and end up pregnant. I got tests to be prepared." Liv laughs and goes into the bathroom to take a test. A few minutes go by and Liv comes out of the bathroom with an expression. As soon as Mia looked at Liv, she already knew the results. 

"Oh my god..." Mia saids, getting emotional.


Spencer arrived in his office, putting his things down. Once he sits in his chair, Olivia walks through the chair, showing panic. "Spencer..." Spencer looked up smiling but stopped smiling as soon as he saw Liv's expression. He walks up to her, confused. "Hey, baby, there's so many things I have to tell you." Liv saids in a panic voice. Spencer starts to get worried. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Liv tears up. "No..." 

"Um.. first thing I want to tell you is that... um..." Liv starts to cry, honestly being terrified. Spencer comforts her. "It's ok, baby. What do you have to tell me?" Liv sniffles and takes out the pregnancy test. She gives it to Spencer and he has a shocked expression. Liv breaks down. "Spencer, I'm so sorry. You probably didn't want this to happen...." Spencer gives her a kiss and then a hug. "Oh baby... this is great news." Liv was surprised. "It is?" Spencer smiles. "Yes. I'm so happy. My baby is having a baby." He saids as he is gently rubbing and kissing her stomach. 

"So, you're not upset?" Liv asks. Spencer looks at her smiling, holding her hands. "Why would I be?" Liv sniffles. "I just thought that having a child would be a distraction from your business." She saids honestly. Spencer softly sighs and gently caresses her face. "You and our child will never be a distraction to me, no matter what ok? I love the both of you." Liv smiles in awe. "We love you too." She saids, rubbing her stomach. She then kisses Spencer. After they kiss, Spencer asks another question.

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