Chapter 2

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The next morning came and it was officially Olivia's first day of being Spencer's assistant. She was excited but nervous at the same time. She didn't know what to expect. Nonetheless, she hoped for the best. As being his assistant were steps closer to her owning her own business. 

"Girl, what are you so nervous for?" Mia asks talking to Olivia in the kitchen. Mia has been Olivia's best friend since freshman year of college. They have been ride or dies for each other. Whenever they would feel down, happy or nervous, they would always talk to each other, even if they're not next to each other.

Mia and Olivia are so close that they were willing to live together as long as they agreed to equally pay for the bills. 

"I don't know. It's just that... I feel butterflies in my stomach. I mean.. I'm Spencer James's fucking assistant..."

"Which you should be proud of..." Mia adds. Olivia smiles.

"I am. But I don't know why I'm this nervous." Mia smirks, knowing the exact reason her best friend is feeling this way. Olivia notices her expression. 

"I know why. You are horny for this man. It's ok girl. I don't blame you. He fine as fuck." Mia saids chuckling. Olivia rolls her eyes at her ridiculous claim. "Mia, I'm not in love with him ok? He's my boss."

"That doesn't mean you can't feel some sort of way towards him. Plus I heard you yesterday when you called him daddy during the interview." Olivia was surprised. She didn't even know Mia was home. Mia is laughing at Liv's reaction. 

"Bitch, I thought you wasn't home. Wasn't you working at your restaurant?" 

"I decided to close early. Baby my feet and hands were killing me." Mia saids, amusing Liv.

Mia is a chef and she owns a restaurant down the street from James Enterprises. It's called Mia's Magnificent Grill. It's not the most popular restaurant in Los Angeles but it's pretty well-known. A lot of people enjoy her food. Olivia actually learned how to cook from Mia back in college. To Liv, she felt that Mia was a pro at cooking. Mia was a fast-learner. She would learn and execute recipes from cookbooks or she would cook her family's dishes and add her spin to it. She was amazing. 

"Hey, that's what you get from working hard." Liv saids. Mia chuckles. "Shut up." 

Mia's phone alarm rings. She picks it up and checks the time. It was 9:00 A.M. "Well, I gotta go and handle these clueless chefs. I love them to bits but they can be a handful. They act like they don't know what to do when it comes to cooking. Good luck on your first day babe. Love you."

Liv smiles. "Love you too. Bring me my favorite dish home." Mia was at the door turning to look at Liv, smiling. "Steak and fries?" Liv nods. "You know me so well." They both chuckle. "I know. See ya." Mia then walks out the door. 

Liv was about to finish her breakfast when her phone rung. She picked it up to see that it was a random number. She was about to ignore it when she actually thought about something. "What if it's Spencer? There's no way he would call? Right? How would he have my number? Let's just see. If it's not Spencer, then hang up." 

Olivia takes a deep breath before answering the phone. 

Olivia: Hello?

Spencer: Hi, is this Olivia?

Olivia: Yes this is she. Wait, boss?

Spencer: You know you can call me Spencer right?

Olivia: How did you get my number?

Spencer: Simple. It was on your application. Did you forget?

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