Chapter III

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9th Friday
3rd Person P.O.V

Arriving at the house Geneva mouth dropped when they pulled into the gated house. She knew Ryan's mom was a doctor and that Ryan and her friends were rich kids but never knew her whole family was rich. They stopped at the front door and Ryan parked the car.

"I didn't know you were rich." Geneva said.

"I'm not my family is." Ryan answered and Geeva looked at her like she was crazy.

"Modest got it." Ryan laughed and they got out of the car.

"Ok before we go in, let's take a deep breath."

"They not gon like me or something?" Geneva asked suddenly regretting this

"No, they're not gonna like me . I haven't been here since summer. I been dodging them." she said and Geneva shook her head. A voice cleared behind them making them jump.

"Jesus Christ Ronnie."

"The fuck are you doing?" she said. Geneva guess she was in her mid/late twenties.


"Why are you stalking outside the house like a creep?"

"I'm not."

"Right. Might as well just face the music now. Lets go." Ronnie walked into the house and Ryan took one last breath.

If Geneva thought the outside of the house was big, the inside was huge. High ceilings, a long staircase, big rooms, .When they looked straight it went into the living room where 9 older people were seated. 4 women and 5 men. Geneva guesses these are the older folks Ryan was speaking about.

"Look who I ran into outside." Ronnie said then made her way to the kitchen.

"Hi." Ryan said awkwardly

"Now you wanna talk to us." Her grandmother said. Geneva stood slightly behind Ryan and watched.

"I was busy."

"Right." she turned her eyes towards Geneva and said, "And who's this?" Ryan was about to introduce her but Geneva interrupted. She didn't need anyone to speak for her, least of all Ryan.

"I'm Geneva." she said and flashed them a smiled.

"Oh. she talks." Ryan's grandmother said surprised.

"You act like the last one ain't talk." Geneva couldn't help the slight jealousy that rises in her.

"Talk yo ear off." Her grandfather mumbled and they started laughing.

"Oh we just playing. It's nice to meet you I'm Sharon."

"My grandmother, My grandfather Ernest, her twin sister Sherice..." Ryan introduced, her grandparents siblings plus their significant others. She also learned Ronnie was her 2nd cousin.

"It's nice to meet everyone.'' Geneva said and they all agreed. The sound of the door opening drew their attention.

"We're back." A man announced. A pair of twins came trailing in behind a woman and their smiles grew as they caught sight of Ryan.

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