September 15th, 2:40 P.M.

Start from the beginning

Namjoon nodded, watching as Jungkook unlocked the handcuffs. "I didn't kill anyone."

"I know, I believe you. How about you tell me what you were doing the night James Kingswell was found dead? Just so we can confirm you were at work at the time of the murder. That was one of Yoongi's reasons for suspecting you- because it couldn't be absolutely confirmed that you were at the club the whole night."

Namjoon watched as Jungkook took a seat beside him, gently holding his hand as he wrapped the gauze around his wrist. "I was. I know there's no camera's in the back room, and that was where I was for most of the night, but I was on stage too, around midnight, and I know there's camera's there to prove it."

Changwoo nodded. "Yes, we have confirmed you were at Kkoim from 12:30 to 4:00 A.M.. The only issue is that James was killed between ten and midnight, so unfortunately Yoongi is correct that we can't confirm you weren't with James at that time."

"Between ten and midnight?" Namjoon's eyes widened slightly. He bit his lip, looking down.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Changwoo asked softly.

Namjoon sighed. "I...I can prove that I was at the club...between that time."

"Well that's great!" Changwoo smiled. "How so?"

Namjoon hesitated. "I...was with someone."


"My manager...Max Vance. We were in his office around eleven, and there's a camera in there because that's where he keeps his safe."

"What were you and Max doing?"

Namjoon stared at the floor, unable to look anyone in the eyes. "We were...together."

He glanced up, ashamed. "I didn't want to tell Yoongi because he called me a whore all the time and that would only reinforce it. I was only with him because he said he would let me have the center stage that night if I let him...let him...fuck me."

"It's okay, Namjoon. There's no judgement here, we only want to help you prove your innocence." Changwoo assured.

"Center stage always gets the most money and I was behind on my phone bill." Namjoon mumbled, looking at the floor. "It was going to get shut off in two days if I didn't pay it, I was desperate, I'm not even gay."

"Well, I suppose it's a good thing you were desperate. Now we can prove your alibi for James's murder." Changwoo looked to Jungkook. "Mr. Jeon, would you mind getting that footage for us?"

Jungkook nodded and hurried off.

"I promise, we will only view the footage to prove your alibi. It won't get shown to anyone, especially not Yoongi." Changwoo told him.

Namjoon nodded, not looking up from the floor.

"Well that clears you for one murder. Now, about Serena, can you tell me how you came across that note?"

The boy nodded again. "The day after James was killed, she said she felt like she was being followed. I thought she was just on edge because a regular customer had been murdered, and she was fearing the club itself was being attacked. I told her she shouldn't worry, and that James was probably just murdered because he was rich. Still, she worried. And then the morning she was found dead, she texted me that she had found a note on her door when she came back from dropping her son off at preschool. She freaked out and told me to come and get the note and show it to the police for her, since she was too scared to leave the apartment. So I did. I went to her place and took the note and went straight to Yoongi with it and demanded he protect her, but he dismissed me and the note. She was alive when I went and got the note, I talked to her through the door."

Changwoo nodded. "Why did you mention Serena when Yoongi arrested you? How did you know she had died?"

"It was obvious." Namjoon blinked back tears. "James was dead, Serena had been threatened and I was the one who had given Yoongi the note. I could tell he suspected me just because of my profession. He didn't believe I'm in college and he thinks everyone who works at the club is some disgusting prostitute. I had a feeling Serena would die that day, and as soon as I saw Yoongi, I just knew she had been killed, and that he wanted to take me down for both of their deaths."

He stared down at the table, his fingers curling into fists.

"I should have gone back to her apartment after I gave the note to Yoongi. I shouldn't have gone back to work. I could've protected her. Her son is like a little brother to me."

"Whoever killed her would have killed you too. He was armed and determined." Changwoo shook his head. "It was good you weren't there."

Namjoon didn't agree.

"Who poisoned them?" Namjoon asked. "The same person who stabbed them?"

"That's still under investigation." Changwoo said, standing up. "Mr. Jeon and I will be looking into this case now, and I will keep you updated if you would like."

Namjoon nodded. "Yes, please."

He stood up too as the chief led him to the door and down the hall.

"Once we get the footage and can confirm you were at the club when James died, you'll be fully cleared." Changwoo said, holding open the front door for him. "In the meantime, as a formality, please stay in town. And don't worry about Yoongi, if he tries to get close to you or contact you again he will be fired and charged with harassment."

Namjoon nodded, feeling free now that someone was finally on his side as he stepped into the warm sunlight.

"Do you want a ride home?"

Namjoon spied Yoongi's car still sitting in the parking lot and shook his head. "No thank you, I'll walk. And I won't skip town, don't worry. I just want my innocence proven so my life can get back to normal."

"I completely understand, Mr. Kim. Here's my business card, please don't hesitate to call if you need anything." He handed a small card to the boy, who pocketed it.

"Thank you." Namjoon gave him a little wave, before turning to head to the parking lot.

He strode up to the black Chevy, determined.

After all, Yoongi wasn't allowed to get close to him, but Namjoon was allowed to get close to Yoongi.

And the stripper wasn't done with the detective.

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