September 15th, 12:43 P.M.

Start from the beginning

Jungkook's eyes were wide as he caught Namjoon.

"No, I'm not." Namjoon told him. "I've never killed anyone and I don't want to."

"But...Yoongi is never wrong." Jungkook looked worried as Yoongi and Changwoo left the room.

Namjoon looked to Serena and James. People he knew. People he saw almost every day. People who had helped him.

Now laying on a cold metal table, poison still in their veins.

"Well, he is this time."


"What. The hell. Is going on?" Changwoo growled, leaning against his desk, his arms crossed as Yoongi sat on a chair in front of him.

"Kid's exaggerating." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Did you take him to your house instead of bringing him here?"


"Did you tie him up against his will?"

"Only a little."

"Did you put him in the trunk of your car?"

"He wasn't going to suffocate."

"Did you tie him to your bed?"

"I could have made him sleep on the couch, he's lucky I put him on a bed. Besides, he got free anyways."

"Did you steal his money?"



"I'm just holding it for him." Yoongi shrugged.

Changwoo sighed. "Yoongi, what the hell? You know this isn't how we do things, this will make our whole force look bad! What if he sues?"

"He won't."

"How can you be so sure? Who wouldn't want to sue after all that? He would definitely win, you're completely in the wrong here."

"I threatened him enough that he wouldn't dare sue."

Changwoo threw his arms in the air, frustrated as he walked behind his desk and sat down.

Yoongi leaned forward. "Look, he's a killer, I know it."

"How do you know it? Do you have any evidence? He's just a kid! Is he even legal?"

"He's a stripper."

Changwoo blinked. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"He's a stripper at the club where James frequented and Serena worked."

"Okay, and? There's like twenty other workers there too, have you kidnapped them as well?"

"He was James's favorite- the guy never even wanted to see anyone else, only Namjoon. And Serena was more than a coworker, she was his friend. And now they're both dead." Yoongi insisted.

"That connects him to the case as someone we should talk to, yes, but it absolutely doesn't prove he killed them. Why didn't you just question him like normal?" Changwoo sighed.

"There weren't any camera's in the back rooms of the club." Yoongi pressed. "So his alibi that he was at the club the night James was killed can't be proven."

"It also can't be proven that he wasn't there. And there's always a camera at the main stage." Changwoo raised an eyebrow. "He wasn't caught on there the night of the murder?"

"No, he was there. Performing."

Before Changwoo could say all the pissed off words he wanted to say in response to that, Yoongi quickly cut him off.

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