Aizawa Shota x SMR

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Request from wolverine123456.

It all begun when Aizawa was almost mugged in the middle of the night. He wanted to use a shortcut, but there was no street lights there. He decided to take the risk and he was taken by surprise. He didn't know how many attackers was coming home way. He was trying to lose them before someone came up to him from other side.

-I'm Y/n, play along, you have a group of five guys behind you. - he said quietly. - How was your day? - he added louder, hoping they will look like they know each other.

-It was okay. - answered Shota, feeling a bit calmer now. He was still keeping his guard up in case the man next to him was dangerous.

Y/n was walking with Shota until he made sure that the suspicious guys weren't following them anymore. Y/n gave him his number in case he wanted to go back home using that road again.

-Why did you help me? - asked Aizawa. -And how did you know how many of them was following me? It was completely dark.

-My quirk is night vision, so it was easy to see. - shrugged Y/n. - As for why I helped you, everyone should do it and I was the only one around beside you and them. Take care. - he said and walked away.

Shota walked inside of his house and went to sleep.

Time skip

Aizawa didn't call Y/n, he almost forgot about the fact that he gave him his number. He reminded himself about it when he when he was washing his clothes and he checked the pockets of his pants. He said the paper on the table. When he was waiting for the machine to finishing the washing, he played with the piece of paper, until he decided to give him a call and return the favor somehow. Y/n answered the call after few signals.

-L/n speaking. - he said.

-Hi, it's Aizawa. - muttered Shota. -We've met at the park three weeks ago. - he added, thinking that Y/n may not remember him. After all he didn't even give him his name.

-Yeah, I remember. - Shota could hear him smile. - Need my assistance?

-No, luckily. - answered Aizawa. - But I want to meet with you for lunch, my treat for your help back then.- Shota was surprised how easily he talked to him.

-I did it selflessly - said Y/n. - but I will gladly have lunch with you.

They agreed on when and where would they meet up. After that they hung up. Shota didn't know why, but for some reason he had a smile on his face.

Time skip

Aizawa and Y/n met up for lunch two days later and after quite fun meeting they decided to continue that. They were meeting up for lunches for few months before Y/n offered a date, which Aizawa accepted.

-Shota, I have something to tell you. -Y/n said once they were done with their food. - I like being your friend, it's great, but I would like to try moving it to the next level. Wanna be my boyfirend? - Aizawa widened his eyes.

-Me? - said Shota. - I'm too boring for you.

-You're perfect for me. - Y/n smiled to hide the fact that he was scared, waiting for Shota's answer.

-We can give it a try. - Shota shrugged and took a sip of his wine to distract himself.

-Perfect. - Y/n was pleased with the answer he got. Aizawa being shy was adorable in his eyes.

After the dinner in the fancy restaurant, Y/n walked Aizawa to this house. Shota smirked and pulled him in for a kiss. Y/n kissed back, not wasting a second. They kissed for few minutes, it felt natural to stay in each other's arms like that. At first Aizawa wanted to let him go, but after few small pecks on the lips he decided to do the opposite.

-Wanna stay the night? - he asked, to which Y/n answered with a nod. They walked inside and continued their date until the breakfast the morning after.

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