Daisuke Ikusaba x SMR

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Request from balyasafana.

Y/n and Daisuke plopped on the couch in their shared apartment. They just came back from the practice and workout at the gym. They were best friends, roommates and wrestlers, often fighting in pair. They both had a crush on each other, but neither of them had a courage to confess. Daisuke, because he was shy around people in general and Y/n because he preferred to think that he was immune to this love stuff.

Y/n grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. Daisuke turned his attention to the device. They were sitting like that in a comfortable silence. Daisuke was stealing glances at Y/n, his attention was on the screen, so he could use that opportunity. He let out a sigh. He wished that they could just magically skip the confession and be together.

-You know. - said Y/n turning his attention to Daisuke. - I can feel your eyes on me.

Daisuke didn't know what to say or do. He blushed and looked away in shame. Y/n smirked lightly, he always found Daisuke's shyness adorable. He didn't look for a relationship, but trying to ignore what he felt to Daisuke was stupid too. Y/n let out a sigh and moved closer to Daisuke, deepening his blush. Y/n put his arm around him and pulled him closer.

-W-what are you doing? - shuttered Daisuke.

-I don't know yet. - said Y/n. - I can hold you, kiss you or just enjoy making a shuttering mess out of you.

-Y/n, I...- started Daisuke.

-Shh... - Y/n put his finger on his lips to shut him up. - I know you like me, I'm not that dense. - he said. - I like you too. - he lowered his voice to almost a whisper as he glanced at Daisuke's lips.

Daisuke felt a sudden rush of courage. He took Y/n's face in his hand and kissed him with a heavy blush on his face. He felt hot and his heart was beating like a drum. Y/n returned the kiss, wrapping his arms wound Daisuke's waist. They kissed until they needed to catch a breath. They pulled away from the kiss, but kept their arms around the other.

-I'm guessing that you want be my boyfriend. - smirked Y/n.

-O-of course. - answered Daisuke pecking Y/n's lips.

-Perfect. - Y/n purred and kissed Daisuke's cheek.

They spent the rest of the day watching TV or napping. The only thing that didn't change was the fact that Y/n and Daisuke were inseparable. Always hugged, touched, kissed. Daisuke wanted to do it all for too long to keep himself away from his loved one. Y/n didn't mind at all. He loved how clingy Daisuke was. They both were tired of staying away from each other.

-You know babe – started Y/n, he smirked seeing the blush on Daisuke's face. - I don't know how I'll be able to stop touching you. You're so lovable and totally kissable. It's driving me insane.

-Me too. - answered Daisuke as he pulled Y/n closer and pecked his lips.

That wasn't enough for Y/n. He wrapped his arms around Daisuke and slammed their lips together in long passionate kiss. He pulled Daisuke by his waist in the direction of his bedroom. Daisuke let his do what he pleased. They fell on the bed and kept their lips locked together. Daisuke let out a moan as Y/n rolled on top of him. Y/n smirked hearing that hot sound.

-So cute and sexy. - muttered Y/n. - I could kiss you all day. - he said. - Kiss and do other, naughtier things.

Daisuke blushed brighter red as he ran his hand through Y/n's hair. Y/n leaned in his touch before he connected their lips once more. He felt hungry for Daisuke, but he didn't know if he was ready. Y/n knew that he had to be careful with his shy lover.

-Want to take it further or just cuddle with kisses? - he asked.

-How about you take your shirt off and cuddle me like that? - offered Daisuke.

Y/n smirked and did as he was asked.  Then he wrapped his muscular arms around Daisuke's waist, cuddling him for the rest of the day.

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