Levi x SMR AU!

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Request from TamakiWithCrab.

Y/n looked up from his laptop as his roommate was cooking the dinner. It was hard to focus on writing an essay when your crush, who you're sharing a dorm with, is walking around in tight pants. Y/n did all he could to not to look at Levi. It was just embarassing for him.

Y/n wasn't the type to talk about his feelings. Levi wasn't either, or at least that was what Y/n thought. It turns out that Levi was tired of the distance between them. He decided to do something to make Y/n notice his feelings, or maybe even confess. Levi didn't expect it to be so hard to accomplish. Nothing worked on Y/n. Levi started think that Y/n isn't interested in him, even though their friends were always teasing them and joking that they would make a cute couple.

-Levi. - he said when Levi bent down to open the oven.

-What is it? - Levi smirked but quickly hid it.

-How long will it take for the dinner to be ready? - asked Y/n.

-Around half an hour. - asnwered Levi. He felt disappointed, though he didn't know what he really hoped for.

Y/n grabbed his stuff and went to his bedroom. Levi huffed at his failed attempt of getting Y/n's attention. He stomped to his bedroom and changed into more comfortable pants. He was annoyed now. He cleaned the mess made when he was cooking and soon the food was ready. Levi took it out of the oven and started putting in on the plates.

-Y/n, come for dinner! - he yelled.

-Correct me if I'm wrong – started Y/n, as carefully as he could. - are you angry? - he asked.

-Yes I am! - barked Levi putting two plates on the table.

-Why did you change the clothes? - Y/n voiced another question.

-Because I wanted to. - snapped Levi.

Levi's harsh tone made Y/n shut up. Clearly something annoyed him and Y/n knew Levi long enough to know that he should just stop talking until Levi calms down. At least that worked in all previous times when Levi was angry. Which was quite often.

-Did you finish that damn essay of yours? - asked Levi.

-Almost. - answered Y/n.

-Good, were going out in the evening. -stated Levi.

-Where? - asked Y/n.

-For a walk. Or to the cinema. -muttered Levi. - I don't now yet.

-Why are you so mad? - questioned Y/n, he was starting to get worried for his friend.

-Because you piss me off with you stupidity. - retprted Levi. - I have enough of you not noticing that I fucking love you.

They fell silent. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Y/n knew that he should speak up before Levi thinks that he got rejected, but he couldn't find any right words.

-I love you too. - he decided to say the simpliest answer to Levi's confession.

-Good. - muttered Levi, his anger slowly going down.

Y/n cleaned up after dinner and made his way to Levi's bedroom. Levi was taking a nap, so Y/n decided to join him. Levi opened his eyes when he heard Y/n walk in his room. He walked up to the bed and sat down on the verge.

-What are you doing here? - asked Levi.

-I just want to give my boyfriend some cuddles. - he said with an innocent smile on his face.

-When did I agree to be your boyfriend?- asked Levi as Y/n laid down next to him.

-Don't you want to? - Y/n raised his eyebrow.

-I do, you just didn't ask me properly.- said Levi.

-Neither did you. - retorted Y/n, making Levi shut up.

-Come on, give me a kiss. - Y/n pulled Levi close.

-I kiss only my boyfriend. - smirked Levi. Y/n growled.

-Fine, will you be my boyfriend?


Y/n immediately closed the gap between their lips. Levi kissed back and wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck and pulled him closer. They kissed until their lungs burned for air. They pulled away from each other panting. Levi rested his head on Y/n's shoulder as they closed their eyes for a nap.

One shots vol. VIII (Seme male reader x Various)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora