Aquaman x SMR

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Request from Beautiful_Dark_Queen.
Arthur couldn't fix the relationship with his wife after the tragedy that happened to them. They didn't manage to save their son and Mera was blaming her husband's genes. It was frustrating and painful. She acted like she was the only one who suffered. He planned on leaving her. He couldn't stand the coldness and lack of understanding from her. He also started having feeling to his friend and personal guard, Y/n.

-What are you thinking of? - he heard Y/n's voice. They were currently in Y/n's room, drinking.

-Nothing worth talking about. -answered Arthur.

-And yet it stole your attention for a moment. - Y/n raised his eyebrow. - Come on, you know you can tell me anything.

-Fine. - Arthur sighed before he continued speaking. - Have you ever thought about settling down?

-Maybe.- shrugged Y/n. - But if I did, I couldn't be doing my job anymore as your guard.

-True. - nodded Arthur. - But what if you could be around me all the time?

-That would be only possible if I settled down with you. - chucked Y/n.

-Exactly. - nodded Arthur and downed another shot.

-Mera would kill me. - said Y/n.

-I'm leaving her anyway. - muttered Arthur and leaned closer to Y/n. - So, what would you say. Wouldn't your guardiance be more sufficient is you could sleep beside me?

-In fact, it would. - Y/n answered and captured Arthur's lips in a kiss.

Arthur pulled him closer as he led him to the bed. Both of them knew that they shouldn't be doing that, but the kiss felt too good, they couldn't pull away from each other. They collapsed on the bed with Y/n on top. Arthur started taking Y/n's clothes off, which was a sign for Y/n to do the same. Their clothes were scaterred all over the room.

-Come on Y/n, do me. - urged Arthur, laying on his back.

-I have to prepare you first. - he said and coated his fingers in the saliva.

-To hell with preparations! - growled Arthur and wrapped his legs around Y/n's hips. - Do it, that's an order. - he added staring in his eyes.

-Alright. - Y/n sighed and pushed in.

Arthur regretted his imatience, but he didn't want to show it.. The only thing that gave it away was the whimper that slipped out of his lips. Y/n kissed him and massaged his ass, trying to distract him from the pain.

-Go on, I'm fine. - panted Arthur wrapping his arms around Y/n's neck.

Y/n nodded and quickened his pace. He got faster and rougher with every thrust he gave. Arthur moaned and shivered underneath him, riling him up even more. Arthur gasped when Y/n's cock reached his sweet spot.

-Hit there again. - he said with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Y/n did what he was told, repeatedly. He abused Arthur's prostate making him scream in pleasure. Arthur felt his orgasm coming fast and he couldn't do anything about it. Even if he could, he wouldnt. It felt just too good and too right. It was the only thought he felt when he cummed on his chest.

-Finish inside of me. - he said to Y/n, pulling him close so he couldn't pull out. Y/n grunted lowly as he cummed inside of Arthur. Once Arthur let him pull out, he did and fell next to him, panting hard. Y/n cleaned him up, then they fell asleep in Y/n's bed.

Time skip

Three weeks later Artur kept throwing up. He searched for information about what was causing it, at first he suspected that Mera tried to poison him. He had Y/n try his food, but he was fine. Arthur didn't know what was happening until he noticed mood swings and cravings. He knew that it was possible for him to get pregnant, but he didn't expect it to happen. Then again,he had sex with Y/n without any protection.

-Mera, we have to talk. - said Arthur.- I think it's best for us to get divorced. All we do is fight, I can't handle this anymore.

-I was thinking about it too. - she answered coldly. - I will leave tomorrow.

Arthur thanked her and walked out of her room with Y/n following him. He was always at his side and witnessed their constant fights. Arthur led Y/n to his bedroom so they could talk in peace. After all he had some news for him.

-I told Mera what I needed to tell her, now I have to talk to you.-he said softly. - We will have a baby, that's why I needed to break up with her.

-Are you sure? - Y/n asked with a wide smile on his face.

-Yes. - grinned Arthur. - I would appreciate if you'd become my boyfriend and raise the baby with me.

-Gladly. - said Y/n and kissed Arthur's lips.

One shots vol. VIII (Seme male reader x Various)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora