Student!Gojo Satoru x Teacher!SMR

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Request by SinClairOfRussia.

Satoru found himslef in unfamiliar place. He looked around, trying to determine where he was and if he was safe. All he could see was that he was surrounded by darkness. Then he heard a scream, familiar one. He ran to the source of it and he found his teacher, Y/n with a snapped neck. Satoru gasped and fell to his knees. He craddled Y/n's body in his arms. He never got a chance to tell him he loved him...

Satoru sat up abruptly, panting with wet eyes. He turned the lights on and felt relief. He was at his dorm. Suddenly he felt anxious again. He needed to see Y/n and make sure he was okay, even though it was a middle of the night. Satoru put pants and a shirt on, then made his way out of his dorm. Y/n was living in the students' dorms too, when Satoru asked him about it he said that he found it a good opportunity to save money. Satoru stopped in front of Y/n's door. He took a deep breath and knocked on it. He panicked a bit when there was no response. He knocked again and this time the door opened, revealing a shirtless Y/n with a messy hair. Satoru forgot about the world around him as he stared at Y/n's body.

-Satoru, what are you doing here so late? - he spoke in husky, sleepy voice. Satoru felt a shiver run down his spine.

-I...- he swallowed a lump in his throat. - I had to check up on you. - he said.

-Check up on me? - Y/n rose his eyebrows in surprise. - Why?

-I had a nightmare. - muttered Satoru.

Y/n sighed and stepped back inside the room.

-Come in. - he said. - We will talk, maybe it will make you feel better.

Satoru nodded and aceepted the invitation. Y/n poured them some water. He handed one of the glasses to Satoru, while he sat down next ot him.

-So what was it all about? - he asked.

-You were dead in my dream. - said Satoru looking down.

-Doesn't every student dream about their teacher to be dead? - Y/n joked, hoping it will brighten Satoru's mood up.

-I would never want you to die. -whispered Satoru, shaking a bit.

Y/n noticed that he was crying silently. He wrapped his arm around Satoru and pulled him in his chest. Satoru felt embarassed, crying in front of his crush like that. He always acted so tough, but now it all crumbled into pieces. Y/n rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

-Y/n. - said Satoru and pulled away from him. Those blue eyes, often looking down at others, were now puffy and wet with tears. Y/n wanted to kiss all of those tears away.- The worst thing in that nightmare was that I didn't manage to tell you that I love you. - Satoru sobbed lightly. - And I know that you're my teacher, but at least kiss me. Just once. - he pleaded.

-I love you too. - said Y/n. - For now we will keep it a secret, once you will finish school we will make it official. Now let's wipe those tears from your beautiful eyes – he used his thumbs to dry Satoru's cheeks. - I will kiss you now and you can stay the night in my room, deal?

-Deal. - the smirk came back on Satoru's face and Y/n wouldn't have it any other way.

They conected their lips in a slow, innocent kiss. Satoru wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck, pulling him closer. He waited for that moment for so long. He hoped that it wasn't a dream, but it was only confirmed when Y/n nibbled on his lips. He was an amazing kisser. They pulled away when they needed to catch their breaths. Y/n handed Satoru some shirt and pajama pants to sleep in and got in the bed as his lover was changing. Once Satoru was done, he joined Y/n in the bed and snuggled into his bare chest.

-Aren't you a bit too comfortable? -chuckled Y/n as Satoru was smiling and kissing his chest.

-What are you talking about? - asked Satoru with innocent smile. - You have no idea how long I wanted to do it for.

-Me too. - said Y/n playing with Satoru's hair. - Now let's get some sleep baby.

-Call me like that again. - grinned Satoru.

-Get some rest babyboy. - purred Y/n making Satoru shiver.

-Yes daddy. - he whispered in Y/n's ear and gasped as he earned a spank on his butt.

-Goodnight baby. - said Y/n.

-Night love. - smiled Satoru and nuzzled Y/n's neck.

One shots vol. VIII (Seme male reader x Various)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat