Jotaro Kujo x SMR

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Request from Danika-Seiko.

Jotaro and Y/n were having a drink in the bar. Both of them were able to handle their alcohol well, so even though they had few rounds behind them, they still felt alright. They were best friends ever since they were kids. Jotaro knew that he could tell him anything. And yet he had one thing that he kept from him. Jotaro loved him since the day he accepted that he was gay. Eveytime they were drinking Jotaro prayed that he wouldn't accidentally confess. He was close to that few times, mostly when Y/n was hooking up with someone. He did all he could to keep it a secret.

-Jotaro, stop daydreaming and drink. -chuckled Y/n. - Something's on your mind?

-No, nothing. - Kujo shook his head. -Not important at least.

-Okay. - Y/n decied to drop the matter. He knew that there was no point in pressuring Jotaro into talking.

They kept drinking until the closing time. Then they visited two other bars that were still open. Once they didn't have any other option anymore they parted their ways and went home. Jotaro fell on the bed exhaused and fell asleep immediately. He was talking in his drunken sleep. Little did he know that Star Platinum was spying on him and heard something that he shouldn't have. He connected the dots and smirked.

Time skip

On the next day Star Platinum paid a visit to Y/n. They weren't in the best terms, but Y/n let him in anyway, when he heard that he had some info about Jotaro. Something that Y/n didn't know about. Y/n leaned against the wall and urged him to speak.

-Jotaro likes you. - said Star Platinum. - He kept muttering your name all night, some of those mutters could be called sexual if I didin't know any better.

-So that was making him space out. - he smiled lightly. - Thank you for telling me.

Star Platinum left few minutes later.Y/n thought about the new information he had. He just found out that his long time crush was returning his feelings and it felt wonderful. Y/n smirked as he changed into more elegant clothes. He left his house and made his way to Jotaro's place. He knocked on the door. There was no response, so Y/n used the key he got from Jotaro a while ago. Y/n stepped inside and called out to his friend. He found him in his bedroom.

-Shut up. - whined Jotaro, clearly suffering from a massive hangover.

-Don't you have the paikillers I bought you? - asked Y/n. He had some very strong pills, working on every type of pain.

-I ran out. - Jotaro muttered as he putthe pillow over his head.

-Then it's good that I took some with me. - smiled Y/n and offered two pills to his friend.

Jotaro took them immediately and drank a big glass of water. He had to wait around half on hour for the pills to kick in, but once they did, Jotaro felt way better. Him and Y/n started making breakfast. As they were eating, Jotaro asked Y/n about the reason of his visit.

-Why do I have a feeling that you didn't come here to just check up on me? - he asked. - And why are you looking so fancy today?

-That's because I found out about some wonderful news. - smirked Y/n. - I know that my crush likes me back.

Jotaro's heart sunk.

-Tell me about him then. - muttered Jotaro, not really wanting he hear it, but he needed to hide his jealousy.

-He's handsome, strong and loyal. -said Y/n. - He's a good friend.

-How do you know? - asked Jotaro.

-He's sitting right in front of me. -Y/n smiled at Jotaro.

-How did you find out about my feelings for you? - Jotaro asked embarassed.

-Star Platinum told me. - Y/n answered innocently.

-I'm going to kill him. - growled Jotaro ready to get up and make his words come true.

-Relax. - Y/n stopped him. - Neither of us would confess if he wouldn' tell me. Let him off the hook this once. - Y/n sent him a charming smile.

Jotaro sighed and wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck. Y/n pulled him close by his hips. He pecked Jotaro's lips. Small peck turned into a full kiss. Their lips moved against each other perfectly. Jotaro pressed his body against Y/n wanting to feel him as close as possible.

-I wanted to do it for so long. - he panted against Y/n's lips.

-We have plenty of time to do it over and over again. - answered Y/n as they continued their kiss.

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