Kabane Kusaka x SMR

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Request from kimikoshi56.

Kabane was waiting for his boyfriend to come back from work. He was a bit disappointed that Y/n still wasn't home, but it happened quite often lately. He was a mechanic and he got popular with the fact that he was able to fix anything. Kabane sighed as he was cooking the late dinner. It was around 8 pm and Y/n still wasn't back. Kabane planned on calling him after he would be done with the food. As if on cue, his handsome boyfirned arrived. Kabane knew that because of the loud exhaust that was fitted in Y/n's car. Few minutes later the door opened and Y/n stepped inside.

-Hey babe. - he said wrapping his arms around Kabane. - I'm sorry I'm so late.

-Finally, I was getting worried. -muttered Kabane.

-Yeah, sometimes I hate this job so much, but then I realize that I, in fact, hate my customers, not fixing the cars. - he said grabbing a can of soda out of the fridge.

-What happened? - asked Kabane.

-I was changing the intercooler in this guy's car. - started Y/n. - Today I called him to come and take the car as it was ready. The guy said that I broke the radio in his car, because the screen his not coming out of the dashboard as it should. It used to come out automatically and it's not anymore. He made a huge fuss about it. I explained that dude, I was fixing your cooling system, how could I damage the radio in your car? - Y/n took a sip of his drink. Kabane listened to him as he put the food on the plates. -You know what happened? The jerk didn't know that he had a switch to his screen and he accidentally turned it off when he was getting in the car. I turned it on and he was still sure that it was my fault. -Y/n finished with a huff. Kabane put the plates on the table and kissed Y/n's cheek.

-I'm sorry to hear that. - he said. -Seems like you had a really rough day.

-Yeah, what about you? - asked Y/n, calmer as he focused on his lover.

-Nothing special to talk about. -shrugged Kabane.

They talked about everything and nothing as they ate, just to hear each other's voices. It was calming and a reasurrance that they were home and they could relax. After the dinner they laid on the couch for cuddles. They watched a movie on the TV, but they didn't pay much attention to it. Kabane preferred Y/n's arms and kisses. Even though he woulnd't say it out loud, Y/n knew that it was true.

-I love you. - said Y/n with his face buried in Kabane's neck.

-I know, love you too. - answered Kabane.

His fingers were playing with Y/n's hair, calming him down. Kabane knew that his boyfriend was a sucker for cuddles. He like it too. Y/n's closure was comforting. Kabane smiled lightly when he felt Y/n snuggle further into him and squeeze him in his arms. They loved to be so close to each other. Kabane traced the muscles on Y/n's arms with his other hand.

-Aren't you a bit too comfortable? -teased Kabane.

-Why? - smirked Y/n. - Do you want to move us somewhere else?

-Maybe. - Kabane muttered and nuzzled Y/n's hair.

Y/n let out a low hum and let his hands wander down to Kabane's hips. He massaged them gently and slowly. Kabane tried to focus on the movie, he didn't want to give Y/n the satisfaction of seeing what influence he had on him. But Y/n already knew that. His lips started nibbling on Kabane's neck. Kabane bit his bottom lip to keep his moans in. But when his sweet spot was attacked he couldn't resist anymore.

-Y/n~ - he moaned.

-That's my name baby. - smirked Y/n as he continued sucking on Kabane's neck. He knew it will drive his lover crazy sooner or later.

-Take me to the bedroom. - he panted.

-As you wish, love. - answered Y/n.

He picked Kabane up and carried him to their bed, starting a very eventful night.

One shots vol. VIII (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now