Bucky Barnes x SMR

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Requested by Amijah4.

Y/n packed his stuff after another fight with his boyfriend B/f. He locked himslef up in the bedroom to ensure that he won't be disturbed. B/n was banging on he door, begging to be let in. Y/n was too pissed off to look at him now, he endured way too many fights. He should have left after the first fight. He lack of respect he was receiveing from B/n shouldn't be tolerated and at this point he had enough.

-Shut the hell up! - yelled Y/n, opening the door harshly.

B/n was crying, as always. Y/n carried his suitcases to his car and threw them in the trunk. The boxes with smaller stuff were packed in the backseat. B/n tried to stop him from leaving, but Y/n was deaf for his pleads. Three years of relationship went down the drain, just like that.

-Never contact me again. - he said as he got in his car and drove off.

Y/n was thankful to himslef that he kept the apartment he used to live in, before he moved in with B/n. He drove there in silence as he was still mad. He reached it few minutes later and carried his stuff in. He kept himself busy with organizing everything for the rest of the day. Then he fell asleep, tired with the events that took place on that day.

Next morning he woke up, without any will to get up and start the day. Even though the anger and disappointment he felt was stronger than love he had for B/n, breakup still depressed him. He felt like he just wasted three years of his life. He frowned when his phone started buzzing on his nightstand. He didin't recall turning the alarm clock on. Y/n took his phone in his hand and noticed that it was Bucky who was calling him. Y/n answered the phone and put Bucky on the speaker.

-Hey. - said Bucky. - I heard what happened.

-From who? - asked Y/n, rubbing his eyes.

-B/n was looking for you. - sighed Bucky.

-I should have known. - muttered Y/n.

-Want me to drop by? - asked Bucky.

-If you can. - asnwered Y/n. He knew that he had to fight his bad mood, otherwise it would lead to depression of worse. He was sure that the presence of the best friend would be helpful.

-Understood. - with that Bucky hung up at him.

Y/n got up and took a shower. Then he ate a quick breakfast and waited for Bucky to show up. He arrived an hour later with some snacks and drinks. All the stuff that he thought may help in brightening Y/n's mood.

-You're an angel. - said Y/n, appreciating Bucky's effort. Bucky did all he could to not to blush at Y/n's words.

Bucky spent the whole day with Y/n. He kept visiting him every day to make sure that he was okay. He took itupon himslef to take care of him. He was his friends after all. He was okay with that, though he wished he was someone more. The fact that Y/n and B/n broke up was a chance for him. Y/n and B/n always fought, then got back together, but from what Bucky could see, this wasn't a case.

-Y/n. - said Bucky getting his friend's attention. - What do you think about getting into another relationship?

-Depends on who would it be. - answered Y/n, getting the idea of what was Bucky talking about.

-Me? - Bucky asked weakly, unsure of what will happen. - For example I mean.

-If you'd want...I'd give us a shot. -smiled Y/n.

-I want to. - nodded Bucky.

-Then come here. - answered Y/n, pulling Bucky closer.

Y/n connected their lips in a passionate kiss. It felt right, as if it was just like it was supposed to be. Bucky wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck, pulling him closer. Their lips moved against each other in perfect sync. They pulled away when they needed to catch their breaths.

-I love you – said Bucky.

-I love you too. - smiled Y/n and pecked Bucky's lips once more.

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