Hinata x SMR

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Requested by lamedgyyas2.

Y/n arrived in Karasuno High. He was supposed to pick up his boyfriend from school. Y/n got out of his car and made his way to the gym hall. No one noticed his presence until he cleared his throat. Hinata immediately ran to his boyfriend and jumped on him. Y/n caught Shoyo in his arms and chuckled as his lips were kissed by Hinata already, so he couldn't speak.

-Hi babe. - grinned Shoyo after he finally pulled away.

-Hey sugar. - said Y/n with a small smile on his face.

They forgot about the face that Hinata was still at practice and his team mates saw him in with his boyfriend for a very first time. Once Daichi cleared his throat they turned their attention to him and the other players. Hinata blushed bright red, while Y/n was still holding him wrapped around his body.

-Who's that? - asked Nishinoya.

-M-my boyfirend. - shuttered Hinata. -His name's Y/n. Love, this is my team.

Hinata introduced the whole team to him. Y/n had problems with remembering their names, not that it was much important in his opinion. All he was there for was his adorable boyfriend. Hinata asked Y/n to put him down, which he did.

-We still have ten minutes of practice left. - said Hinata pouting a bit.

-Understood. - smiled Y/n. - I'll wait for you babe.

-Thanks. - Shoyo gave him one last peck on the lips before Y/n sat own on the bench.

Hinata did his best to focus on the practice but he couldn't. He could feel Y/n's gaze on him and he wouldn't have it any other way. He was proud that Y/n's eyes were on him only and that no one could take him away from Shoyo. Hinata wanted to show off to his boyfriend a bit, so he did all he could to play well.

Soon the practice was over. Hinata skipped shower and went straight to Y/n's car with him. Y/n drove Hinata off to his place. Hinata grabbed clean clothes from Y/n's wardrobe and went to the bathroom for the shower. In the meantime Y/n ordered some food. Once Hinata walked out of the bathroom, Y/n looked him up and down.

-Have I ever told you how hot you look wearing my clothes? - he asked smirking. He walked up to Shoyo and wrapped his arms around him. He pulled him closer.

-Yes, you have. - answered Hinata putting his arms around Y/n's neck.

Y/n leaned down for a kiss. They pecked each other's lips few times before their dinner arrived. Y/n took him from the delivery boy and got back to his beloved. Hinata was already sitting on the couch, looking for something to watch on the TV. It lasted for a while, because Y/n and Shoyo watched a lot of movie togehter. Not really for the movies, it was more for cuddles and hugs that they would give to each other.

-Today we're having sushi. - he said and handed one of the boxes to Shoyo.

-Thanks. - he smiled.

Hinata found a movie he didn't see before on Netflix, so they started watching it. Y/n didn't pay it much attention. He focused on eating, then he was cuddling his boyfriend, who was resting against his chest. Shoyo loved whenever they had moments like that. When Y/n was near him, he felt so relaxed. It was just what he needed when he was resting after practice.

-How could I relax before I met you is beyond me. - muttered Hinata, ready to sleep on top of Y/n. He was fighting with himslef. Y/n's chest was so warm and comfortable, but at the same time he wanted to finish the movie.

-I don't know it either baby. - smiled Y/n, playing with Shoyo's hair. - If you're sleepy, we can puse the movie and take a nap. Then we will resume.

-Tempting. - Hinata was so adorable when he was half-asleep like that.

-Then close those beautiful eyes. -whispered Y/n.

He reached for the remote and paused the movie. When he put it back and glanced at Hinata again, he was breathing softly, sleeping. Y/n smiled lightly as he kissed his boyfriend's forehead and closed his eyes as well.

One shots vol. VIII (Seme male reader x Various)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu