Killua x SMR

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Request from kimikoshi56.

Y/n groaned at the heat surrounding him. Summer started not so long ago, but the hight temperature was a pain on the ass already. He took his shirt off and opened the fridge, searching for something cold to drink.

-I'm running out of soda. - he sighed, making a mental note for himself to buy some more.

Y/n ate a quick breakfast. He knew he had to train and exercise, but the temperature outside and inside of his house was making it hard to even think about it. He rolled his eyes when he heard knocking on his door. The temperature made him grumpy and all he wanted was being left alone. Y/n walked up to the door and answered it.

-Hey. - he said seeing his friend Killua.

-Hi. - he answered.

Y/n invited Killua in, wanting to close the door as soon as possible. They went to the livingroom and sat down on the couch. Y/n handed Killua a can of soda, which he gladly accepted. He took a sip before Y/n spoke up.

-So what brings you here? - he asked.

-Is it so strange that I'm paying a visit to a friend? - Killua responded with a question.

-Without Gon? Yes. - chucled Y/n.

-Well, I asked Gon if he wanted to come along with me, but he refused. - shrugged Killua. - There's something I need to talk to you about, and Gon didn't want to disturb us.

-Now you got me intrigued. - Y/n tilted his head to the side. - Go on.

-At first I wanted to keep it to myself , but Gon advised me to take a chance and talk to you about it.- Y/n watched Killua as he spoke, he seemed nervous. - It's hard to find words...what I'm trying to say is that I like you more than a friend...I love you.

Y/n was silent for a moment, taking in the words he just heard. He liked Killua too, but he couldn't get himself to confess. Hearing those words from Killua brought him relief and confidence. He glanced at Killua and moved a little closer to him.

-I love you too. - he answered, pulling Killua in his chest.

Killua hugged him back and brought Y/n's face to his. He connected their lips in a kiss that was immediately answered to. Y/n wrapped his arms around Killua's waist, keeping him in place. They kissed passionately for a moment, before they pulled away.

-I have a proposition, since it's so hot outside. - said Y/n. Killua nodded, to let Y/n know that he was listening. - How about we will pour some water in the tub and stay there for a while?

-Good idea. - agreed Killua. - But you will have to lend me some of your clothes afterwards.

-Deal. - smiled Y/n.

They pecked each other's lips and got up from the couch. They made their way to the bathroom and started taking their clothes off. Y/n started the water. He waited for the bathtub to be full, before he got in. Killua followed right after him. He sat down next to him and groaned at the feeling of the cool water against his skin. It made both of them feel better.

-I could stay like this for the whole day. - muttered Killua.

-I agree with you. - answered Y/n.

They were barely getting out of the bathtub. They spent there almost half of the day, until the evening came . They dried themsleves off and got dressed. Y/n prepared the dinner for the both of them. They ate slowly, having a small talk every now and then. Killua would have to go home soon, but he didn't really want to.

-Wanna stay the night? - asked Y/n as if he read Killua's mind.

-I do. - smiled Killua.

Y/n nodded at that with a smile on his face as well. Once they finished eating, Killua helped Y/n to clean up after the dinner. They slowly made their way to Y/n's bedroom to get some rest. They changed to bed and laid down. Y/n turned the lights off. He wrapped his arms would Killua, pulling him closer. Killua only snuggled up in his chest and smiled lightly.

-Goodnight Y/n. - he muttered.

-Night baby. - answered Y/n and kissed the top of Killua's head before he buried his face in his hair.

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