Chapter 39

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Error's P. O. V.
It had been a few months and Night was still in the hospital. I looked at the ocean as I sat by the edge. I just want to know if he'll be ok. The doctors kept saying that his health is getting worse and worse. I think what he said to me, that he can't do it any longer, is true. I hate to admit it but I think he's right. I don't think he'll last any longer. Even the doctors told me that.

I still had hope, I was hoping that it wasn't true but I think that only happens in fairy tales where everything is fine. I sighed as I rested my head on my knees as my legs were close to my chest. I felt like I was going to cry for the thousandth time. My soul ached, I felt sore...I missed his touch. I missed his hand gently holding my face as he told me sweet things. Now, he just sleeps to not feel any pain or feeling ill. I just want to hear his beautiful voice. His precious voice that I adore oh so much.

I felt hot tears stream down my face, again. I truly miss him. I just want to hold him and tell him that he will be ok. That we could try to have a family again. It's my fault this happened. I should have been more careful. I should have taken the precautions but I was being so damn stupid.

I sighed before standing up. I looked at the ocean and saw the waves crashing into the cliff. I looked into the distance. I took a deep breath to calm down but it didn't work. I took another deep breath then screamed as loud as I could. After my throat hurt, I still felt the aching in my soul. I still felt the painful tingle in my soul. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets before looking out. I felt like I, myself, couldn't hold onto all of this much longer but I know that I, I have to stay strong. Stay strong for Night. I got on my knees and prayed for the first time ever. I wanted something, anything to help him get better.


Nightmare's P. O. V.
I saw the same doctors and nurses coming in and checking on me. I felt like I was such a burden; can't they just take me off of this life support and let me die? I don't think I'm getting better, only worse. I can feel it, even if they don't say much to me, I can definitely feel it.

The only thing that's keeping me going is Error and my brother. I guess that's more than one thing. My brother brought his son, Palette over so I could hold him. He was the most precious thing. I was really happy for him but it reminded me of my son that ended up dying, dusting in my arms. My soul still ached from that. I don't think it'll ever get better from it. If I do, it would take years but even then, I bet it'll still hurt like hell.

Suddenly, there was a knock, I looked and saw Sci. "Ready for another check up?" He asked, walking into the room and shutting the door. "I kinda have to say yes to that." He nodded, then said, "Sorry about that but yes." "Alright, let's just get it over with."


Dream's P. O. V.
I gently rocked Palette in my arms as I felt the negative aura coming off of my brother and Error. I felt really bad for both of them. It was really upsetting that my brother's health is getting worse. I'm just hoping he'll get better, I just know it. But there's also a bad side of it that keeps nagging at me.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I looked at the door then said, "Come in." The door opened to reveal a depressed looking Error. I gave him a concerned look before saying, "It was bad, wasn't it?" He nodded then said, "The doctors told me that they aren't sure if he's going to last much longer seeing how quick his health is degrading."

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as I said, "I had a feeling. I was hoping for the better half of it, hoping he would be ok." "Me too but at this point, I'm not sure. If he's alright, it would be a miracle." I nodded as I heard Palette quietly whimper. I hummed as I looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyelights are yellow faiding into green. They weren't any form of shape other than the normal looking eyelight. He began to whimper more and more.

"Aww honey, are you hungry?" I softly asked him. Palette reached for my left breast as I softly smiled. "I'll give you a minute before we talk about this more," Error said, walking out of the room.

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