Chapter 29

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
"Having this baby is a major health risk. Are you sure you want to continue with it?" Sci asked.

I looked at Error and he looked at me.

"Well, are you ready to have a kid or no?" I ask.

"I am but I'm not," Error said.

"I'll give you two a few minutes to talk and I'll be back in to hear your answer," Sci said.

I looked at him and saw him leave the room. I looked at Error and he continued to look at me.

"I want to have a kid with you but I'm not sure if I'm fully ready," Error softly said.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready myself but I know it's wrong to get an abortion," I said.

"What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath then said, "I mean, yeah, I just found out that I'm pregnant but I feel like it would be rude to have this baby in my womb for about twenty-eight weeks then taking life away from them. It just seems so rude."

He nodded, then said, "That's true, we still have time to talk about this."

"I think I've made my decision."

"What is it?"

"I want to have the baby even if it's risking my health."

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