Chapter 13

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I slowly woke up to feel nice and toasty under the blankets. I slowly sat up and stretched. I looked at the door and saw my bra. I grabbed it then put it on. I also grabbed my shirt and put it on. Well, it was more of a sweater pajama shirt. It was comfortable and I liked wearing it.

I stood up out of bed then looked at the floor again. I saw my shorts on the ground. I grabbed them and put them on. I looked at my closet then opened it. I saw some of my basic clothing, hoodies, cyan, purple and grey shirts and sweaters, shorts and sweatpants.

There was a little part of the closet where I did keep more feminine clothing such as dresses, blouses, heels, skirts, and a few more things.

To be honest, if I had this place all to myself..well, myself and Error, I wouldn't mind being in a female ecto body all the time. I just know that Killer will judge me a lot for that. He judges anyone though. Anyway, I feel like he's losing his mind more and more and it's getting terrifying to be honest.

I told Dust, Horror, Cross, and Error to keep a close eye on him. Who knows what he might be planning behind our backs. I just don't want to get back stabbed or quite literally be back stabbed.

I sighed then walked over to my mirror. I looked and saw myself wearing a baggy shirt and my shorts just barely visible because of how big the shirt is. I looked at my legs and saw a soft purple glow of my ecto skin. I hummed then looked at my outfit.

I felt comfortable and didn't want to switch out of my pajamas. I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me Error, can I come in? I..I want to ask you something."

"Yeah, give me a minute."

It was silent as I quickly went over to my dresser and took my bra off. I unsummoned my ecto body and slipped off my female shorts. I grabbed a pair of leggings and slipped those on. I then stuffed my bra and shorts in my closet before closing the door and walking to the bedroom door.

I opened it and saw Error. He seemed so deep in thought as he looked at a painting on the wall. He looked at me then gently smiled. I don't think I've seen him smile in a while. It's nice to see him smile, even if we are going through some interesting times.

I waved for him to come in. He nodded then went in. I looked at him as I shut the door. He sat down on a sofa that was in the room. I went over and sat by him. He looked at me. I could tell he felt nervous about something. His aura told me that as well.

"So," he started. "That night that we were outside and I was trying to tell you something. I..I wanted to confess my feelings to you."

I gently blushed as I listened carefully to his words.

"That night, I had rushed myself a bit too much. So, I'm going to be telling you now. Yeah it's still morning and you still might be waking up but I just want to tell you while I have the strength to."

I saw some blush come across his face as he looked at me. I saw him look at my hands that were on my lap then back at me.

"I find you very attractive and I don't know if you feel the same way about me. When I first saw you, I didn't think much. But once time went on, I began developing feelings for you."

He took a deep breath then gently grabbed my hands and held them with his as he continued.

"Night, I...I like you. And I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

He looked at me waiting for my response. I gently smiled as my face became a bit more warm as I thought about his words.

"Yes, I would like to go on a date with you," I gently said.

He looked at me shocked, then said, "Wait, really?"

I gently nodded, then said, "Well yeah, I thought you got the hint of me gently kissing your hand at the doctor's office."

His face became a bit flushed as he said, "I guess it took me a little bit to realize that."

I felt him slowly let go of my hands. I continued to smile as I looked at him. Something about him I really liked and I just realized it now.

It wasn't his looks or how his voice sounded, it was how he spoke. How he worded things in a certain way that made it special. Not only that, when he picked me up when I was back in my old AU, he did it with such caution and care. I could really tell that he liked me from that moment.

We looked at each other in the eyelights for a little while but soon began to talk. We talked calmly and happily. I heard him chuckle when I slipped in a pun or a simple joke. It honestly made me blush and my god I loved it. He just was something special. I just adore him with all my soul and want the best for him.

Suddenly, we heard a yell from downstairs. I looked at Error and saw him look at me. Both of us raced out of the room out of confusion to figure out what had happened.

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