Chapter 5

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
So, Sci said I had to take some more meds. Which is upsetting but it is what it is I suppose.

After Sci talking with me about my health problems, I found out that Killer, Horror, and Cross were going to throw a party for me. I wouldn't mind it but I'm not all for parties and shit like that.

I would rather relax and look at some stars or read or even talk to Dust or Error.

I liked having time with them when they were not being chaotic bitches. Cross, Killer, and sometimes Dust. Horror very rarely and Error, I've never seen him be all chaotic.

Well, except for one time though. It was because Ink was harassing him badly.

Suddenly, I heard running behind me. I looked and saw my brother and Blue. My brother, Dream; he wasn't covered in black goop like the video.

"Brother!" Dream yelled, slowing down.

I hummed softly as I looked at Dream up and down.

"Ink told me something about you," I said in a  deep-tone.

Dream hummed then said, "If it's me eating a black apple, then don't believe it. He asked some professional animators to do that."

"I figured it wasn't real but I thought he forced you two to act it out somehow."

"Anyways, we need your help."

"With what?" I asked, looking at Dream then Blue then back at him.

"Well, it's Ink. He's getting out of control," Dream said, looking at the ground after.

"Did he do something to you because you don't seem like yourself."

He looked at me then said, "He did do something but..."

"'But' what?"

He looked at Blue then said, "Can you leave myself and my brother to talk?"

Blue nodded then walked away, out of the throne room.

Dream looked back at me then whispered, "Because I didn't listen to Ink. He decided the best way for me to 'learn from my mistake' was to rape me."

I went wide eyed then felt that stupid tickle in my throat.

"Give me a second," I said, teleporting away after.

I teleported into the bathroom and began to have my coughing fit. I held my hands over my mouth as I slid down the wall onto the floor.

I continued to cough until I gaged from the fit I just had. I moved my hands and saw saliva on them.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. I froze as I looked and saw Error. He froze as he looked at me.

His expression softened then said, "Are you ok?"

I nodded as I stood up then said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? I heard you have a coughing fit through the door."

I froze then quickly thought of something.

"I might be getting sick with a cold or something."

Error hummed then said, "Okay? You know I worry about you right?"

I lightly nodded then said, "If something is wrong with me, I'll tell you."

I kinda lied there. There is something wrong with me. I have fucking health problems. What the fuck am I supposed to do about them besides follow doctors orders?

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure your alright."

Error soon left; I quickly grabbed the cloth from my pocket and wiped off the saliva. I teleported back to the throne room after.

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