Chapter 4

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Cross's P. O. V.
I lightly knocked on the door to Nightmare's room. He didn't answer. I tried a few more times and he still didn't answer.

So, I slightly opened the door and saw him sleeping. He looked really peaceful as he slept. I slowly walked towards him.

I looked at the bedside table and saw some medication. I didn't know he took medication.

I looked at him as I tried waking him up.

"Boss, wake up. The others and I have something for you," I said, lightly shaking him.

Obviously that didn't work. So, I lifted the covers to pick him up.


Let's just say, it was a bad idea. I blushed brightly as I saw him with his grey, long sleeve, pajama top and some female underwear. Not only that, he was in a female ecto body.

I quickly covered him back up and walked away. But, I tripped over something, making me fall onto the ground with a thud.

I looked and saw what I tripped on...IT WAS A FUCKING BRA! What the hell? Why does boss have these things around?

Then, I heard a groan. I peaked up and saw the he had woken up.

Well, shit, I'm gonna die.

Nightmare's P. O. V.
I woke up as I heard a thud on the ground. I sat up and rubbed my eye before looking.

I looked on the floor and saw Cross. I blushed as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, trying to cover my boobs as much as I could.

"Get out!" I yell at him.

He tried getting up but fell down again.

I sighed then said, "Don't tell anyone about me like this, ok?"

He nodded as he tried to get up again but still fell back down. I shook my head as I watch him fail each time.

"Look away," I tell him.

He looked away, hiding his face in his hands. I stood up and put my shorts on. I walked over to his feet and unwrapped my bra that got stuck on his feet.

I slipped my hands out of my sleeves and put the bra on. I pulled my arms back through the sleeves as I looked at him. His face was coated in a purple blush.

"Ok, you can look," I said.

He looked and tried getting up. This time, he didn't fail standing up.

"Sorry boss, I was trying to surprise you because the others had something but, that clearly didn't go so well.." Cross said, embarrassment in his voice as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I sighed as I pinched the top of my nose then said, "Don't say this to anyone here. Also, give me a few minutes then I'll head down."

He nodded then left. My god that was so embarrassing. Why didn't he knock? Or maybe he did? I don't know but either way, I hope he doesn't say anything about it.

Error's P. O. V.
When Cross came down he was all embarrassed and his face was coated with purple blush.

"What happened Cross?" Dust asked.

"N-Nothing," Cross stuttered out.

"Clearly something happened," I said, looked at him.

"Well, yes, something did happen but boss didn't want me to say anything."

"Aww come on, won't you tell us?" Killer whined like a five year old.

"No! And I'm still not budging!" Cross yelled out.

I looked over to the stairs and saw Nightmare walking down. I walked over to him and saw him slightly angry.

"Did Cross annoy you or something?" I ask.

"Kinda, he saw something he wasn't supposed to," Night said, looking behind me.

"Come on Cross! Tell us!" Killer yelled out.

I groaned as I turned around.

"Killer will you just shut up?" I asked, looking at Killer.

He looked at me and yelled, "No! I want to know....oh hey boss."

I lightly snorted then said, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he heard you fuss from upstairs.

"Yeah, I did. Now, you're the one who's going to sweep, dust, and mop this entire castle for the next few days," Night said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Dust and Horror looked like they were trying to hold back their laughter. Cross stayed silent. That's strange. Normally he laughs at something like that.

I saw Night leave to the kitchen as I saw Cross walk past me. I decided to follow Night,

Once I was there, I saw him looking in the fridge.

"Hey, Nightmare?" I asked.

He looked at me then said, "Hey, everything ok?"

I walked over to him and said, "It seemed like Cross was really embarrassed about something."

He hummed then said, " I said, he saw something he shouldn't have."

I hummed as I looked in the fridge. Strangely I saw a chocolate bar in there. I grabbed it then left the kitchen.

I went back into the living room and saw Horror with his axe. It looked like he was sharpening it. Not like it needs to be sharpened anymore.

I sighed as I sat down on one of the sofas. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a missed call from an unknown number. Suddenly, the phone rang with that same unknown number.

I decided to answer it and say, "The fuck you want?"

"Do you want to go to the-"

I clicked the end call button. I swear these people are telling me to go to the strip club at least once a week.

It's getting annoying. Then the same number called. I answered it and didn't say anything, on the line no one said anything.

"Stop calling me," I said, my voice slightly glitching worse.

I saw Horror looking at me curiously. I rolled my eyelights as I heard the lady on the phone speak.

"Come to the club! You'll have so much fun! You can have drinks like whine and liquor! And the best part of all! You get to be around so many beautiful strippers!"

"Fuck you."

I ended the call and sighed. Can't these people understand I don't like those kinds of things? Yeah, I know the multiverse doesn't revolve around me but, I've told them so many times.

"The fuck was that?" Horror asked.

"Don't ask," I said, pinching the top of my nose.

"Those horney bitches again?" Horror asked with a slight grin.

"Yes and I bet they're trying to get your number."

Horror's face got lightly flushed with red blush.

"Why me?"

"Because of your sadistic love for Lust."

His face became more red from blush covering his face.

"H-How did you know?" He asked, lightly hiding his face behind his axe.

"You literally make out with your phone which I bet that is a picture of him," I said with a slight grin on my face.

He just glared at me before he got up and left the living room, dragging his axe with him. I sighed then took out my chocolate bar and began to unwrap the foil on it to take a bite.

Nightmare's P. O. V.
I left the kitchen and saw Error sitting on the sofa. I walked away to the throne room.

Once I was there, I saw some things lying around. This must be what Cross was saying. Suddenly, I heard a knock behind me. I looked and saw Sci.

"Oh, hey," I said, facing him.

"Night, I found something and I'm not sure if you'll like it."

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