Chapter 35

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
After the whole thing with the baby, my health has decreased quite quickly. Sci is doing his best to help me but I have a bad feeling, a feeling that I, myself, won't make it. Like mine and Error's precious baby. I try not to think about it but it's hard when I've been struggling all my life and it's come down to this. And it's already been about two months.

"Brother? Hello? Are you zoning out again?" I blinked a few times before looking at my brother, Dream. "Oh...what did you say? I was zoning out." He sighed then said, "You're being depressive again. Please try and do something so you won't have those feelings." I felt a slight bit of anger boil within me when he said that. "Then what am I supposed to do?! Anything I do makes me think of my fucking pregnancy or the baby who literally gave up on me and Error!" I said, anger rising within my voice. "Please calm down," he said in a calm voice.

I took a deep breath then said, "Sorry, I'm on edge because of what had happened." He nodded, then said, "It's ok, it's understandable." We were silent for a long while before he said, "How about we go get some ice cream and go to Outertale. Sound good?" I gently nodded, then said, "Yeah, sounds good."

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