Chapter 8

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I woke up to hear some mumbling. I looked and saw Error, it seemed like he was talking with himself. He looked at me and stopped.

"Did I wake you?" He quietly asked.

I shook my head then sat up.

"No, you didn't. You alright?"

He hummed before responding, "Yeah, I just feel like I'm forgetting something."

"You're not the only one who feels like that," I said, looking at the blanket on me then looked back at him.

He looked at me kinda shocked then said, "Really?"

I nodded then said, "Maybe let's figure out what may seem missing because it's been driving me nuts."

He nodded then said, "You need any help standing up or walking around?"

I shook my head as I swung my legs off of the bed. I felt the wooden floor on my feet.

"No, I should be fine."

Cross's P. O. V.
I sat on the sofa as I looked at Killer. He kept breaking the plastic butter knives apart.

Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.

Each break was with a snap. It was getting annoying to be honest. I saw the pile of broken pieces of many butter knives.

"Ah hah!" Killer yelled out.

He looked at me and picked up some of the pile, some pieces falling onto the floor.

"I have murder confetti!"

I softly snorted at that. It was true, you could technically kill someone with that. But then again, anything can be a weapon if you say it is.

I saw Horror sit down by me. He looked at me and sighed.

"How's Dust?" I asked.

"He's alright, I can tell he's in pain and sore from you know what."

I nodded then glanced at Killer. He picked up the pieces that had fallen then walked away toward the kitchen.

I looked back at Horror then whispered, "I swear he's gonna kill himself or one of us one of these days."

Horror nodded then whispered, "Yeah sadly. We all used to be so close, good friends till this shit show happened."

I nodded then looked at the floor. Things seriously have changed. Dust is stuck in bed because of some bad injuries. Killer is more aggressive with everyone, especially Dust. Horror seems depressed because of the situation we're in. And lastly, me, I'm tired and also depressed because of the situation.

Suddenly, the surroundings changed. I must have been teleported somewhere by force. I look around to see myself in a black void. There was ground that I was sitting on.

I stood up and continued to look. It seemed like it was the AntiVoid but the opposite. It was black instead of white. Nothing was around.

I started to hear someone talking. I looked at the direction I heard it come from, I soon started walking toward the voice.

I quickly began to see someone, only to realize it was Geno. Wait, Geno? I thought he was out of the save screen.

He quickly looked at me then relaxed.

"Oh, hey Cross," Geno said, a tone of sadness in his voice.

"You alright? I thought you were out of the save screen."

He nodded then said, "I was but I saw Ink and XGaster and they put me back into the hell known as the AU I've had trouble with."

He paused before speaking again. "How's Error? It did Ink fuck something up with him?"

I nodded then said, "Yeah, Error doesn't remember what has happened. There used to be screens so we could see what was going on but they vanished. So, I have no idea what's going on with him or Nightmare."

"Damnit. Probably Ink got sick and tired of how we lived and decided to mix things up."

"Yeah, Error knows Ink pretty well. I just wish he still remembers."

Geno gave me a confused look.

"Let me explain."

He nodded then said, "Alright, let's sit down. I'm assuming this is gonna be a long explanation."

Nightmare's P. O. V.
I ran to the tree as I heard screams and some villagers running around in fear. The fear of the villagers was radiating off of them. To my brother it's intoxicating but to me, it kinda strengthens me.

I stopped as I saw a figure, a goopy figure. This figure was outlined in a golden color with black goop covering every inch of their body. They turned around and that made me scared and afraid.

"Dream!" I yelled out.

A cold chuckle left him, he looked at me with his only one eyelight then said, "I'm no longer Dream Nightmare. Call me Shattered from now on."

I gulped hard as I felt my spine tingle with fear, almost as if I felt my sins crawling down my spine.

I snapped back into reality as I heard an ear piercing scream right beside me. I looked to my left to see one of the humans on the ground as one of Shattered's tentacles was pierced right through their stomach.

It was quickly pulled out of them as they fully had fallen to the ground, blood and organs spilled out of them. I gagged as I saw that. This was too familiar. Why though? Did I do something like this or was it a dream?

I walked closer to Shattered then said, "Please stop this. You're scaring me."

I felt as if he couldn't hear me. I felt the slimy tentacle wrap around my waist and toss me. I felt the tree slam onto my back. I yelled in pain as I collapsed on the ground.

He looked at me then looked away. I quickly got up and ran to the forest. What happened to him? Was it one of the black apples? Either way, I know that wasn't my brother. He wouldn't treat anyone like that...or would he?

I ran around some trees, I felt like I couldn't control my body at this very moment. I could have chosen to fight but my body decided to choose flight.

I suddenly tripped on something. I fell onto the ground with a thud, landing on some leaves that crunched as I fell. I looked at my feet to see some of the roots from the tree that had tripped me.

I looked up ahead to see a building. I widened my eyes as I began to remember everything.

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