Chapter 15: Katie VS Chris

Start from the beginning

Katie: (Y-Y/N)?

(Y/N): She forfeited. Stop before I make you.

(Y/N) punched Chris in the gut, sending him out of the arena and knocking him out. My eyes lit up. Even though I'm going through a lot of pain, seeing (Y/N) help me made me ignore the pain I'm in. (Y/N) turned around and picked me up gently.

Super: Thank you (Y/N). I guess you beat me to the punch on that one.

I looked at the crowd and they stayed silent. They didn't know what to say.

Chemist: Ok um... We will delay the next match shortly to make sure both participants are ok! Please be patient with us!

(Y/N) walked out of the arena with me in his arms. I held onto him and rested my head on his chest.

Fox: Take her to the medical room. It's down the hall from the waiting room you were in earlier and to the left.

(Y/N): Thanks.

(Y/N) started to walk and he went into the stadium. He turned a corner and walked down the hallway.

Katie: I'm sorry.

(Y/N): For what?

Katie: For losing. I couldn't beat him. I had to forfeit.

Tears came out of my eyes and I held onto (Y/N) tightly.

(Y/N): Please don't say things like that. I don't care that you lost. I care if your ok.

I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I started to blush.

Katie: With you, I'm always feeling great.

(Y/N): That's great to hear, but you still need medical attention.

Katie: Ok, if you say so.

He opened a door and we walked into a medical room. I saw a woman in a nurse outfit. She turned around and saw me in (Y/N)'s arms.

Nurse: Thank you so much for saving her.

(Y/N): It's fine. I don't need thanks.

(Y/N) gently put me down on a bed. The nurse walked up to me and checked my vitals. She looked over at (Y/N).

Nurse: If you could, may you please leave the room? I need full concentration to make sure she's heal properly.

(Y/N): Only if you promise me she's be alright.

Nurse: With me treating her, she's be better than ever.

(Y/N) stayed silent and walked out the room.

Nurse: Ok. Time to heal you.

She put her hand on me and a pink glow came from her hand. I felt my pain slowly disappear and be replaced with a pleasant feeling.

Nurse: Good to see my Power of Healing is working fantastically.

I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Chemist holding an unconscious Chris. Chemist walked over to a bed next to the one I'm on and laid Chris down on it.

Chemist: Katie, I'm so so sorry for Chris. His Power is Omega. It's something he can't always control. It's like some monster comes out of him when he activates it.

Katie: It's fine. I felt something dangerous inside me when I mimicked his Power. It's not actually his fault. I can understand.

Chemist: I'm happy to see you're already a lot better. I'll be taking my leave now.

Chemist left the room. I noticed that the nurse wasn't healing Chris.

Katie: Hey, why aren't you healing Chris?

Nurse: I can only use Healing on one person at a time.

I touched her arm, mimicking her Healing. I reached over to Chris and grabbed his arm. A pink glow came from my hand and Chris's body started to heal.

Nurse: Amazing. You can copy Powers?

Katie: Yeah... I call it Mimic.

Nurse: That's a great Power to have. You'd be the perfect assistant for me.

She said jokingly.

Nurse: It's great to see you're not holding a grudge against Chris for what he did to you.

Katie: I'm not the kind of person to hold grudges.

The nurse smiled at me.

Nurse: The world can use more people like you. It probably doesn't mean much to you if it's coming from me, but it's true.

I smiled at the nurse and kept focusing on healing Chris. The nurse took her hand off me and put her hand on Chris.

Nurse: All your physical injuries are fixed, but you're still tired. You can stop healing Chris now, I'll take it from here. Please rest.

Katie: ...Alright.

I took my hand off of Chris's arm and got rid of Healing. I closed my eyes and I quickly fell asleep.

(Chapter 15 end)

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