September 14th, 12:38 P.M.

Beginne am Anfang

Clutching the pole in the middle with both hands, the stripper raised his legs up, leaning down so he was facing the crowd upside down, his strong thighs wrapped around the pole to hold him in place as he let go with his hands.

The cheers went up at the display of strength, and bills rained down on the stage.

Namjoon scooped some up, stuffing them into his clothing so the tips spilled over the hem of his shorts, somehow making him look hotter.

He slid down until his back hit the stage, and raised one leg to push against the pole, sliding himself towards the crowd on his back, until he was laying right beneath a man who was standing right up against the stage.

The man looked like he was about to faint at being so close to the stripper.

Namjoon reached his hands up, cooing as he cupped the mans face. He said something with a wink, and whatever was said were apparently the magic words, because the man hastily pulled out a large wad of cash, handing it over.

Namjoon bit it between his perfectly white teeth, shooting the man another wink.

Seeing enough, Yoongi closed out of the video and started texting Jungkook.


"I just emailed it to you." Max said, walking back to the bar. "It might take a second to show up, it was a pretty large file."

Yoongi didn't thank him. "I'll be back."

He made to head to the stage, but Max stopped him.

"Hey, is Namjoon okay? He didn't kill any body, he's not that type of person! And he especially wouldn't kill James, the guy was his best customer. And he and Serena were like best friends!"

"So I've heard." Yoongi huffed, shoving him away. Doesn't make it true.

"When can he come back to work? I'm losing a lot of money without him!" Max called.

"He's working right now." Yoongi smirked, stalking up to the stage.

Namjoon twirled slowly down the pole from the very top, making sure the customers could see every inch of him in this outfit.

By the time he reached the bottom, the stage was covered with new bills.

"Show's over." Yoongi called, yanking Namjoon to his feet.

He unlocked the cuff that was locked around the pole. "Hurry up, slut, we have work to do."

Namjoon picked up his money, pulling the other bills out from the hem of his underwear and stockings to count it.

Yoongi snatched the cash away from the student's startled hands.

"Hey!" Namjoon gasped. "What are you doing- that's mine!"

He tried to grab it back, but Yoongi grabbed his wrist, spinning him around and locked the cuff back around him.

Namjoon struggled as the detective led him back out of the club. "You can't steal my money like that!"

"I didn't steal it." Yoongi said calmly, pulling out his keys to unlock the car.

"You stole it from me like a douchebag steals candy from a baby." Namjoon seethed.

He was angry, until he saw Yoongi was leading him to the trunk of the car instead of the passenger seat.

Yoongi popped the trunk open and Namjoon stared at the empty, dark space.

Surely...surely Yoongi was joking about this...right?

Yoongi grabbed the boys jaw again, forcing his mouth open as he dug his fingertips into Namjoon's cheeks.

"I don't want your dirty money, whore." The detective whispered, leaning in close so his breath fanned against the strippers lips. "Keep it off the floor now, even my ride's carpet is worth more than your entire being."

He shoved the wad of money into the boys mouth, patting his cheek condescendingly as he pulled back.

Startled into silence, Namjoon blinked, biting the cash between his teeth.

He was unprepared when Yoongi suddenly shoved him backwards, falling into the trunk.

He barely moved his legs away in time as Yoongi slammed the trunk door shut, hearing it lock automatically.

His bound hands were trapped behind him, but that was the least of his worries right now.

The car rumbled to life, and Namjoon felt it moving, still in shock at what had just happened.

It seemed Yoongi had seen his performance from two nights ago, and Namjoon was stuck wondering if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

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