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she's different

HOPE WOKE UP in the morning to a knock on her door

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HOPE WOKE UP in the morning to a knock on her door.

"Why is she so beatiful after waking up," Caroline's groaned, pouting. "My hair always looks likes a rats nest."

"That's because you don't have the flawless appearances like us Mikaelson's do, love," Rebekah said with a smirk.

Caroline narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at the blonde Original.

Sighing, Hope sat up quickly, running her fingers through her hair and down her face. Looking around, she took in the room, realizing that her being in another universe was, in fact, real and she wasn't dreaming it.

"Ho — Hope?" A boy's voice called out which made her jump out of bed with a defensive stance. "I'm Scott," he stated as he stayed on the other side of the door, and he heard her let out a breath of relief. "My mom is at work, but she wanted me to wake you up. We have school in two hours."

"A boy?!" Klaus exclaimed, scowling. "I don't like this."

"Of course you don't, Nik," Freya mused. Even Elijah was cracking a grin at this.

Hope didn't say anything, and she just stayed in the same place before she heard him walk away. She bit her lip and popped her back and neck before walking towards the closet. She pulled out an outfit, not really caring what it looked like, and made her way towards her bathroom to take a shower.

"I am glad that it didn't decide to show her in the shower. That would've been awkward," Caroline mused before Bonnie and Elena giggled at her antics.

Both Kaleb and MG look like they were about to throw up at the possibility of seeing Hope naked. It not that they didn't think she was pretty or anything, it's just that they considered her a sister.

Landon froze at the thought of seeing his crush, almost to be girlfriend, naked. Then, his face lit up a bright red when Lizzie noticed his reaction and sent him a wink and a smirk.

It was about an hour and a few minutes later when Hope slowly walked down the stairs, and she heard movement in the kitchen which had her freezing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, mentally telling herself to be brave.

As she turned the corner to go into the kitchen, she awkwardly made her way to the kitchen island, and shuffled on her feet until the boy who was making a bagel turned to her.

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