Chapter 30 - Beach Trip!

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"I'm fine with being squished, I can just sit with Percy in the front, and Charlie and Karl can sit together or something" Annabeth said, Charlie and Karl both looking at each other, blushing then looking away. "Besides, I've travelled worse ways," Percy nodded to second what Annabeth had said.

"Okay then, I guess everyone just ask your parents and then message the group chat," Charlie amended and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Dibs controlling the music," Aaron announced quickly, smirking as a collective groan was heard. "I'll be nice and let you all choose one song, so choose wisely,"

"Gods, you suck man," Percy muttered and his friends sighed in agreement while Aaron laughed maniacally at their misfortune.


Percy and Annabeth brought up the beach trip at dinner, soon after Paul arrived home. He had been running some sort of English club, so they were having dinner later than usual.

"So, me and Annabeth had a question to ask you guys," Percy started, drawing the attention of his parents.

"Shoot," Sally said, motioning for him to carry on.

"Well, Karl brought up the fact that we have no exams after Friday and we all wanted to hang out for the weekend," He carried on.

"We have no problem with you hanging out with your friends Percy, you know that," Paul told him after finishing a mouthful of food.

"I know, but someone suggested having a sleepover type situation," Percy explained.

"We were going to do a day trip to the beach at first, but then someone said we might as well stay from Friday to Sunday," Annabeth added and Percy nodded along.

"So I suggested that cabin in Montauk that we used to go too, if we were all allowed," Percy finished.

Sally had a thoughtful look on her face as she considered the trip. "Well, you would be close to the sea and camp, so I can't see anything going majorly wrong, but I won't jinx that,"

"I'm fine with it, as long as you were all safe and everyone's parents agreed and knew what was going on," Paul said, looking to Sally for confirmation who nodded.

"Actually?" Percy said, shocked they had agreed so easily to it.

"Yeah, why not? Kids your age do this a lot, and you have had a lot of experience in staying away from home. All I ask is that you regularly update so that I know nothing is wrong," Sally told him.

"Thank you so much! I'll make sure he calls or text you whenever he wakes up and goes to bed," Annabeth promised and Percy nodded eagerly.

"Speaking of exams, though, shouldn't you two be going to revise?" Paul reminded them, pulling a quiet laugh from Sally as Percy and Annabeths faces fell. Everyone hated revising, even an Athena kid.

The couple thanked Sally and Paul for the dinner and rushed upstairs to their room. They quickly messaged the groupchat to let everyone know that, if everyone else was free, the plan was a go.


"Time is up everyone, close your papers and remain quiet until I've collected all of them!" Ms Fernandez announced, drawing everyone's attention to her from their latin papers. There was lots of rustling as people turned back to the front page and a low murmur started even as people's tests were still out. As soon as the last test was taken, everyone got louder, immediately quizzing each other on what they got for each question.

Percy sat back in his chair, stretching out his shoulders and staying quiet. Latin was one of three tests he knew he would be just fine in, so he wasn't interested in getting anxious about what he had written. Annabeth was copying him across the room, packing up her stuff ready to leave the classroom as soon as the bell went.

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