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"patience, love"

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"patience, love"


act four
chapter 'neljäkymmentäviisi' forty-five

it was amazing what he could make her feel, see, experience. she didn't even know it was possible, and quite frankly, never thought she'd be able to enjoy something like this.

"fuck," he murmured into her neck, hot breath reaching the crevices in between the bone. she could feel his lips turn upwards, pleased with himself. he's gotten this far, and he sure has to do a lot considering the circumstances. it was a challenge he was willing to take. "you're stunning."

his head was removed from the magnetic touch of her upper body, looking into her eyes once more. it was enticing, enchanting, she couldn't look away. who thought she'd be in this position after a year of his idiocy?

he took his hands off her waist, trailing them ever so slowly up her sides. it made her squirm slightly, sensitive areas with a sensitive touch felt so foreign to the girl.

they reached her shoulders, one stopped while the other kept moving. it cupped the right side of her face, a finger under her chin to stop her from looking down. he knew she'd get embarrassed, who wouldn't? with the elongated eye contact, it made her feel so giddy inside.

he leant in, securing their lips together once again. the once strange feeling felt so comforting now, it becoming an expertise soon enough. they fit so perfectly together it was almost concerning, subconsciously knowing their next mood to best fit their own.

she didn't know what to do with her own hands, so she loosely wrapped them around olli's neck. they soon felt wrong, feeling they had to act upon something bigger. but she was stuck in a kiss, a good one at that, and honestly just needed to breathe.

vasiliki placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing down on them gently to stop the act. he read her movement immediately, pulling away, but not too far.

his face was still dangerously close to her own, watching her as the redhead took deep breaths. she wasn't expecting her to be so clueless on her own needs, can't she hear her body screaming for oxygen anymore? if that was the case, she'll definitely need to be careful in the future.

"woah, woah, stand up straight," he placed a supporting hand on her back, the other wrapped around her shoulders, "you'll get more air in that way."

she smiled at his assisting works, leaning into his chest. he still had that arm wrapped around her torso, so he lead her to somewhere the girl can better relax.

the bedroom.

the front of his body was pushed against her back, the crook of her neck clear in front of his vision. his lips met the skin, a gentle kiss before she went to lay down.

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