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"what the fuck? oh, it's you"

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"what the fuck? oh, it's you"


act three
chapter 'kolmekymmentäkaksi' thirty-two

"it was the fact you just walked off, without answering my goddamn question!"

vasiliki had crossed paths with olli while shopping, an unfortunate event for her. but there was one opportunity that came out of it, and that was bringing up his moment from a few nights ago.

"you get annoyed so easily," he chuckled, a smirk evident on his face, "it's quite amusing."

she didn't care how 'amusing' her expressions were, she just wanted a goddamn answer from him. was it that hard?

"do you know more than you should?" she ignored his previous comment, biting her inner cheek to relieve any anger. she had places to be, things to do.

"do i? how much should i know?"

anything that comes out of his mouth is useless, he's taunting the girl, and at this moment, it was working. they were in public, and she wasn't going to go out and make a scene.

exhaling, the redhead tried to calm herself down, "you should know the answer to that, stop playing around."

he tried to hide his smirk by taking things off the shelves, but it didn't work. this just agitated vasiliki more, and amused olli even further.

"maybe i do," he raised his eyebrows, "maybe i don't."

"shut up."

but as she said that, she immediately realised her mistake. he would take that literally, and he sure took the opportunity as it came.

"as you wish."

well, it seems she has unintentionally finished the conversation, yet still no answer. it didn't appear she would receive an answer though, the boy constantly trying to change the topic.

"but i must say," he started again, just before heading off, "considering the situation, if you need somewhere to stay, my door will be open."

how nice of him, she sure won't be taking up that offer anytime soon. why would she? it's not like the other two knew where her residence was. but kaylah wouldn't be showing up at olli's either, and vasiliki was glad he had gotten over that little phase.

"i'm sure i'll be alright."

famous last words are always fun, depending on how you take it.

tonight wasn't any different to the others, which was the major problem. with countless nightmares of her father, it was a struggle to keep up.

her sleep schedule was horrible, barely ever getting any sleep. she'd spend the nights making music, while during the day she'd sleep. it worked for her, feeling less anxious to sleep in the light, but that still didn't disregard her problems.

eudaimonia | olli matelaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu