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"it seems as if i'm wasting your time then

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"it seems as if i'm wasting your time then."

MENTIONS OF «kaylah»

act three
chapter 'kaksikymmentäkolme' twenty-three

it was extraordinary to vasiliki how worked up she was about it. the guilt building up inside stopped her from sleeping. it was early in the morning, and the girl hadn't got a wink of sleep.

this shouldn't be a problem for her, she just had a small outburst, nothing of concern. she went to go text the bassist, after a long time of going back and forth with herself. it wouldn't sound sincere, maybe she should head over to his later.


what a shame
walked off just like that?
and you've got a month left
not long to go now xx

oh, right, her. she probably saw the two talking beforehand, and decided it was of her best interest to steal his attention.

you're full of yourself
just leave everything

she finally decided to respond to her, after months and months of leaving her on seen. was it the right idea? probably not, but she was just so sick of kaylah being able to get her way.

look who replied
maybe don't come here and ruin everything
that'd be a good start

ruin what? some wanted hookups with the band members?

and what am i ruining exactly?

what i stand for

sucking off a cock in the middle of the studio? she must have some low standards to reach.

and why i was here in the first place

not the mysterious texts with an empty conclusion. if she was never going to fully answer a question, why even attempt it at this point?

we all know 'what you stand for' isn't what you set it out to be
stop trying to make yourself look better

oh sweetheart
you act so naïve
i've got them all wrapped around my finger
i could do whatever i want, and they'd agree to it of course

disgusting. what a disgusting thing to say. she knew kaylah wasn't just referring to snogging, and she really didn't need to know the details.

she didn't have joonas or tommi's loyalty, so vasiliki didn't know where she was coming from. was she that blinded to the situation? does she really think she can get away with anything, with anyone?

i don't
i just have higher expectations
i wouldn't be calling 'sucking off anyone i please' a brag of such

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