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"well boohoo, i have somewhere to be"

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"well boohoo, i have somewhere to be"


act four
chapter 'neljäkymmentäkahdeksan' forty-eight

and from what he did, distracted her the most. it was great, maybe, but it went so far she had even forgotten the reason why she was in finland in the first place.

"oh my god," she whispered to herself, but of course her nosey partner was there right next to her, questioning what she was on about.

"come back," he mumbled, attempting to reach out to her figure. again, didn't he have the stuff to do too? "i'd prefer not to see you waddle around the place."

waddle? right, because he just fucked her that hard. maybe his ego was just fucked right up his ass too far.

she rolled his eyes at his pleading attempt. it wasn't like she's had to deal with worse pain before, now she's practically used to it. "you can close your eyes then."

even if he wasn't to close them, she'd still walk normally. vasililiki was sick of him distracting her for the time being, so maybe it was better if he stayed at home all day.

"then i won't get to see you."

he's seen enough, hasn't he? it hadn't even been a whole day since the occurrence of yesterday, now look at who's the desperate one.

the girl stood up from the bed, heading towards the door. "well boohoo, i have somewhere to be."

and that she does, a place which can basically decide her future. did he literally fuck her the day before going to court? yes. did she forget about it? yes. was it worth it? eh, maybe.

to one's surprise, he didn't make that place his bed. perhaps he was too tired, rolling back around on his stomach. at least she could walk out without protests anymore, quickly heading back to her own house to get changed - and ready.

"i'm stressing so much," her voice was quiet, yet not quite a whisper. the girl tried to take in deep breaths, but nothing was working. the phrase wasn't really directed to anyone, but one did.

and for someone who has spent a lot of time with her during this case, it was her lawyer to calm her down. "don't be."

how couldn't she be stressed? the only positive was that she had only been feeling like this for a short amount of time, maybe olli did do a good enough job in the end.

"i just have a really bad feeling," she expressed, even with no evidence of the falling pit in her stomach. it felt horrible, to say the least, and combined with the atmosphere of the place, nothing mixed well.

"so you have bad intuition basically?" yet even a joke at this time didn't help, the redhead shaking her head furiously.

it was just anxiety, sure, but she hadn't seen her father in months. if it were any different, she'd want to keep it that way, extending that time frame as much as possible. although sometimes, it's just better to get things done.

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