Chapter 35: Epilogue IV - Finale

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"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Andrew Boltarius and Demetria Hudson in matrimony." Sally officiated. "Now, may the groom read his vows to the bride?"

"Here it goes..." Dash said; shaking heavily - pulling out a script he prepared earlier...

"D-D-D-D-Deme... I-I-I-I..." Dash shook so much from nerves that he threw his script on the ground and took a long, deep breath - speaking from the heart.

"Demetria... When I first laid my eyes on you - I knew you were the one I wanted to marry. You were everything that I wanted to be - kind, loving, caring. Heck - you kind of made me want to be a doctor. I always wanted to help people as much as I could - something that you were already doing when I got here. When I spoke to you that first time - I gave in to my inner voice and spoke the truth. I thought I ruined my chances the moment I met you in our first awkward encounter... But, you had faith in me. That was all I needed to know that you were the one. I risked my life at the Academy for you - you were the main reason why I pushed myself there. Honestly, I couldn't bear seeing you hurt - so I let my inner animal get the best of me at that time. But, I'm here now - with you... where I belong. Always and forever - I've completed my Dash to victory... to you." Dash let out another deep breath and backed away.

Sally shook her hood as she cried openly. "Dash - that was incredible..." Sally regained composure, however.

"Now, may the bride read her vows to the groom?" Sally signaled to Demetria - who was sobbing as well.

Demetria cleared her throat - also throwing her script down that she prepared for.

"Dash... I thought I had lost you. We all did. I cried, I screamed, I wanted to hurt Nettes the way he hurt me by taking you away from me. When I first laid my eyes on you - I was obsessed with you. I'd look out the window and see you at the corner of my eye; praying for you to come to speak with me. I took every chance that I got to spend time with you. I knew you were the one from our first encounter as well. You were so cute - I couldn't even look at you for a time without blushing my hood off!" Demetria chuckled to herself as she continued. "Part of me knew that you didn't die in that academy rubble. I could feel from my inner self that you were still here - with me. I knew you'd come back one day - I just didn't know when. I guess I have Cal to thank for that elaborate prank to bring you back to me. I experienced all my hardships in life just so I can stand here before you - for that, I'm so very, very grateful. I love you endlessly, and then some!" Demetria shut her eyes tightly, trying to hold back a tidal wave of tears. She opened her eyes to Dash, who was uncontrollably sobbing.

"Deme..." Dash shut his eyes and shook his hood; causing the attendees to chuckle. He chuckled as well in response.

"Now... Do you, Andrew; take Demetria to be your lawfully wedded wife - to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Sally stated.

"I do," Dash responded, without hesitation.

"Now... Do you, Demetria; take Andrew to be your lawfully wedded husband - to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Sally stated.

"I do." Demetria confidently answered without hesitation as well.

"Then, by the power vested in me... I now pronounce you - Andrew and Demetria Boltarius - husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride..." Sally winked to Dash as he swept Demetria off her tires and kissed her.

"Ohh you feisty little racer..." Demetria whispered to Dash.

"Hey... why didn't you keep your name?" Dash whispered to Demetria as the onlookers continued cheering in the background.

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