Chapter 3: Andy's Great Journey

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The winter snow began to fall in December of that year as Andy raced through the snow to his house's front door with a yellow folder. He eagerly knocked on the door and showed his parents the folder.

Andy, Bill, and Sara went to their lounge room and huddled in front of the fireplace. Andy was shaking with pure glee as he knew what was coming.

Bill ripped the letter open, pulling out the paper with Andy's grades on it. To his and Sara's surprise, all of Andy's grades were A+ for the year. They raised their hoods with tears in their eyes as Andy gleefully looked at them.

"So, what did it say?!" Andy asked.

"...Buddy, you're going to racing school. YOU'RE GOING TO RACING SCHOOL!!" Billy openly cried tears of joy, holding both Andy and Sara in a loving embrace.

Fast-forward a couple of weeks later, Andy began to pack his bags for a short trip to racing school for the holiday period that year. Bill and Sara stood in front of Andy's bedroom door, watching him frantically throw all his necessities into his suitcase.

"Eager, aren't we?" Bill admired.

"Yup... I cannot wait!" Andy perked up.

They waited out front of their house for the U-HAUL escorting them to the racing college; located just outside of their state. The U-HAUL arrived at their house, allowing Andy to chuck his bag in the rear and ride in the cabin with his parents alongside him. They all rode off into the beautiful indigo-colored sunset.

"Racing school, here I come!" Andy barked in excitement.

Fast-forward hours of driving; The U-HAUL's rear door opened as they arrived at the school, for Andy and his parents to roll out of and stand in amazement of the racing school's visage.

"Oh, my Manufacturer! This school is amazing!" Bill stated, nudging Sara as Andy raced past them to the front gate. "We're here! We're here!" Andy yelled.

A sleek-looking BMW rolled down to the front gate to greet Andy and his parents. "Welcome! I'm Mr. Helmut Nettes, Principal of the Dinoco Fine Racing Arts College – DFAR for short!" Principal Nettes greeted and shook tires with Bill and Sara.

"Who's this fine little racer we have here? You must be Andy" Principal Nettes gestured to Andy, who hid behind his father out of embarrassment.

"Right you are, Mr. Nettes." Bill confirmed, "We promised to take him to this prestigious racing school if he got perfect grades this year – which he has." Bill stated as Andy began to slowly roll out from behind his parents, in front of Principal Nettes.

"I'm sure he'll love it here! All of the current world-class racers have either trained or even lived here before!" Principal Nettes continued.

"That's something I was going to follow you two up on – regarding a little racer here. Would you two care to join me in my office whilst I have my acquaintances show Andy around?" Principal Nettes asked.

"Sure, we'd love to speak to you more on the matter" Sara answered before Bill could open his mouth.

"Alright, little buddy. We'll be escorting your little room that you'll be staying in for the next couple of weeks. Feel free to put your bags right in here" the usher next to Principal Nettes escorted Andy into his own dorm, free of other cars.

"Thank you, mister. I'm so excited to be here!" Andy yelled in response.


"Now, thank you both for being here. I want to be clear and direct with you." Principal Nettes asserted to Bill and Sara, holding each other's tires.

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