Chapter 9: The Throes of Racing and Betrayal

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Rush awakened to the now-familiar roar of the racing crowd – what would be his first race without his running partner. Though Rush was unchanged by the unfortunate events that befell his teammate; he had little to no remorse for having potentially caused any of it.

"Alright, Boss. It's showtime." Dan knocked on the trailer door.

"Let's show the world who's number one!" Rush hyped himself up.

This would stand as his first race under Dinoco's sponsorship – essentially forcing one of Dinoco's teammates to step aside. Of course, Cruz wouldn't be the one to step down...

"You have got to be kidding me, Brett." Cal confronted Brett – the current Crew Chief for Dinoco. Cal had gotten used to being shunned to the side a lot of his racing career. "This is a step too far now. You can't just hire a rookie on a whim and replace me. I stepped in to help out Cruz!"

"...and you've done wonderfully! Feel free to step aside whilst we give Cruz a real teammate." Brett rather harshly told Cal – who raced back to the Dinoco trailer in anger. On his way, Cal drove past Rush and stopped for a brief moment to speak with him.

"I hope you enjoy your race – you're really lucky, kid," Cal said as he drove off.

"Thanks, I guess." Rush replied.

Rush arrived at the Dinoco pit area – where Cruz was already waiting.

"Howdy! You ready to race with the best?" Cruz rather enthusiastically cheered.

"That I am, Cruz... that I am!" Rush responded.

Cal arrived at the Dinoco trailer before pausing for a moment – upon seeing Rush's trailer. He saw Dan patiently waiting with the trailer – trying to catch up on some sleep. Cal drove up to strike up a conversation with the truck.

"Howdy, there... You must be Rush's driver." Cal recognized. "I'm Cal Weathers; the guy that got replaced by your racer."

"Oh. Good to see you, Cal! How's it been living in your father's shadow?" Dan rather rudely quipped.

"Oh – just the usual. Just great." Cal heard it all a million times before. "I'm sorry about what happened to Dash – I hope you find him."

"Well, thanks, Cal. I hope you find some talent soon 'cuz living in your father's shadow can't last forever!" Dan once again rudely quipped.

"Gee, thanks. That doesn't get old." Cal sarcastically quipped back.

"...I'm just messing with you, kid. How have you been?!" Dan suddenly changed the mood – causing Cal to smile.

"Well... I've been doing great, thank you for asking! You know, it's good to not be scrutinized for once." Cal admired.

"I know you get a lot of bad rep – it is hard being the son of an all-time great." Dan recognized.

"It is, Dan. It is." Cal responded.

"Look, if you ever need a pair of ears to listen; I'm right here for you. I'm sure Dash would be glad to as well – wherever he is." Dan comforted as he looked up to the sky in wonder.

"Thank you once again, Dan." Cal thanked him.

"Ya know if it makes you feel better... Rush didn't even know he'd disappeared and he was with him the whole time!" Dan blurted out, chuckling to himself as Cal began to leave.

"Wow? That's odd. When did Rush realize?" Cal asked, stopping for a moment.

"When we arrived at our third pit stop on the way here. Dash was with us at our first pit stop though, we just don't know when he disappeared." Dan began to wonder himself. "He kept awfully quiet for most of the trip – so did Rush. They were quite at odds with each other."

Cal began to realize that something wasn't right with the story.

"Didn't Sofia offer Dash the position?" Cal asked.

"Well, not really. Rush was in a hurry because he got a call asking if he'd take sponsorship from Dinoco." Dan answered.

"That doesn't make sense. Cruz and I were told by Sofia herself in a meeting that she was planning to hire him today after his actions last race. I'd gladly step aside if it meant someone like him could fill my position – not Rush. The kid doesn't even have a single lugnut of compassion." Cal pointed out.

"Look, I don't know what to tell 'ya. I'm quite out of the loop. I gotta get going, talk soon." Dan started motoring toward Dinoco's pit area – clearly feeling intimidated.

"Well, see 'ya!" Cal hesitantly waved goodbye to him as he went on his way back to the Dinoco trailer.

Once Cal returned to his trailer, a news report was talking about the disappearance of Dash rather coincidentally. Cal closed the trailer door and turned up the volume to listen.

"...Dash had been seen on the Interstate for brief moments before his crash had occurred. Authorities say that he was admitted to Carburetor County hospital before fleeing shortly thereafter..." the reporter said.

Cal began to piece together a few things more. He assumed that Lightning McQueen was meant to be the Crew Chief for Dinoco that race gave that Cruz was running that day, but was nowhere to be seen. He recalled Lightning's phone number and reached out to him to see if he could find some answers.

The phone rang and Lightning picked up.

"Cal! What a surprise to hear from you! How are things?" Lightning responded.

"Yeah, they're good. Look, I thought I'd ask you why you weren't here at the track donning the Crew Chief outfit today." Cal asked.

"Oh... I, uh... got caught up with a few things at home... had to help the fiancée out." Lightning stuttered.

"Mmhmm... well, I'll call back soon. Seems like you're busy. I'll talk to you another time." Cal finished the call.

"Great. Talk soon, Cal! Say hi to your father's shadow for me, will 'ya?" Lightning joked. "See 'ya 'round!"

"Bye-a Lightning." Cal hung up the phone.

Cal began piecing together his little puzzle, before trying to reach out to Cruz.


Cruz weaved through the track's turns with ease, boasting a huge lead against the competitors. Rush even began struggling just to keep up with her. All of the sudden, her personal assistant Hamilton kicked in.

"Incoming call – Cal Weathers." Hamilton read. Cruz picked it up whilst she held the pole position.

"What is it, Cal? Do you want a second chance or something?" Cruz asked.

"What? No. I want to talk about something... about Rush. I think he might know what happened to Dash." Cal advised.

"Cal, no one knows what happened to him." Cruz denied, focusing on her racing.

"If anyone knows what happened – it would be Rush." Cal tried to insinuate.

"You're full of lugnuts, Cal. Just hang up so I can focus." Cruz retorted.

"You're not listening... I think Rush might be the one who caused this all." Cal reckoned.

"You're right. I'm not listening, I'm racing here. Even if I were listening, I still wouldn't believe you..." Cruz hung up through Hamilton.

"What is it with people and not believing me?!" Cal began to lose his temper a little, before switching on the massage buffers to try to calm himself down.

"Ahh... that's so much better!" Cal finally let loose a little.

"Alright, I'll have to reach out to Sofia – maybe she can explain a few things..." Cal wondered as he began to scramble, trying to find her number to contact.

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