Chapter 21: The Comeback - Part 1

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Meanwhile, back with Rush...

"Hey, boss. I think you might want to see this..." Dan advised Rush as he turned the TV on.

"For the first time in several months, we have received notification from Andrew Boltarius... As well as a video in response to racer Rush LaStringer's callout earlier last week..."

The reporter played back the video that Sally had put together for Dash.

Rush looked at the screen with a smirk, ready to make his own response already.

"Oh, what a surprise! He's still alive. I wonder who helped him with that." Rush asked Dan, smirking mischievously.

"They kept that disclosed apparently. Nobody knows where he is, still. All of those Radiator Spring's rumors keep getting debunked every passing day..." Dan assured.

"Bull! He's there – I know it. He fled the Carburetor County Hospital, right? Where else would he go with such urgency?" Rush pointed out.

"Maybe to the Dinoco head offices? I heard he got the offer first..." Dan advised.

Rush stopped for a second and was swayed by Dan's response.

"Dang – I hadn't thought of that. Sofia and I aren't on the best of terms, either." Rush shook his hood.

"I'm sure she'll notify you. Besides – you'll see each other on the race day." Dan notified.

Something in Rush's hood clicked and he began to formulate an idea.


Rush drove out of the trailer and began doing rounds at some press booths today.

"Do I really have to do all this press?!" Rush asked Dan.

"It's in your Dinoco contract... until the season ends, that is," Dan assured.

"Ugh, I forgot that I was sacked. Thanks for reminding me!" Rush quipped sarcastically, scoffing in the process.

"Again, sorry to hear that you got sacked," Dan said.

"Agh... Part of me knew it was too good to be true. That, or Boltarius sabotaged it. The latter seems more likely to me." Rush assured.

"Dash isn't even worthy of first-name-basis?" Dan asked.

"Nope." Rush bluntly stated.

Rush began doing some of his press for the day; clearly in a mood.

"LaStringer! Some are saying that your career may be over already! Do you have any response for that?" a reporter asked.

"Nope. Next." Rush once again bluntly put.

"Who do you think should sponsor you now?" another reporter asked.

"...maybe someone who recognizes my talents on the track. Next." Rush quipped.

"Do you think Dinoco should give you another chance?" another reporter asked.

"Not sure. Maybe... next!" Rush stated.

He began to ignore the seemingly endless barrage of questioning; before coming across the same news team that interviewed him earlier the previous week.

"Rush! Have you heard Mr. Boltarius' response to your callout? Do you have anything to say in response?" the reporter asked.

"I do, actually. I have a counteroffer of sorts." Rush mentioned, finally perking up.

"Please do enlighten us once again. Another exclusive from us right here, viewers!" the reporter said.

"100 more laps. Before our 1 on 1 race... bring a teammate. I'll do the same – and we'll run a 2-on-2 race. The winner gets a 30-second head start. Let's see if you have the ability to be a teammate at all. Oh... and I hope you have a sponsorship! Maybe I can finally find out if you stole mine!" Rush taunted, mischievously smiling at the screen once again.

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