Chapter 29: Riddles and Redemption

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Rush and Cruz began to warm up for their big race – before noticing everyone looking up at the screens around the track. It showed a news broadcast.

"Breaking news. We have just received confirmation that there was a casualty at the scene of the fallen academy today..." the reporter stopped for a second, still in disbelief.

" was none other than rookie sensation Dash Boltarius." the reporter openly cried on live television. "Authorities and Paramedics looked through the rummage but were unable to find any sign of him. The rookie racer recently uncovered a slew of scandals pointing toward the academy's Principal – which led authorities to believe that an altercation between the two may have caused what happened here today..."

Rush, Cruz, and the racers alike stared at the screen in disbelief. Rush couldn't bear the wave of emotions now consuming him.

An interview excerpt now played featuring Sally and Lightning a few hours prior.

"...on behalf of the racing community; we send our condolences to the Boltarius family." Sally wished on screen. "We hope that they find solace in knowing that Dash risked his life for the greater good of all Nettes' victims. We'll miss him."

The air was once again still as the news broadcast had ended. Tens of thousands of racing fans were dead silent – paying respect to the fallen racer.

The track stayed silent for a few more moments – before Bob and Darrell chimed in.

"We'd like to officially announce that the race held today will be shortened in light of today's tragedy," Bob announced. "This event should be a message to all racers out there to cherish your loved ones – before it's too late," they announced.

The competing racers stood in uniform silence – until one notable one burst into tears.

"Dash. No... Not you!" Delilah vented, receiving emotional support from her pit crew.

Rush couldn't believe any of it was happening. He never understood what death felt like – and never thought it would befall his once fellow teammate so soon. He rolled back to his pit crew – before making a startling announcement.

"I'm leaving the race. That's it... I can't take this pressure. My friend was here – with me – just a few days ago. I can't believe I shrugged it off!" Rush began breaking at the seams.

"What? You can't just leave now... you might lose your sponsorship altogether!" the Dinoco Crew Chief enlightened.

"Why does it matter? I'm gone at the end of the season anyway." Rush admitted.

Rush recalled what Dash had said to him a few days prior during their last talk.

"Give your sponsorship to Cal... because the Manufacturer knows that he deserves it more than you." Rush remembered.

"Is Cal here?" Rush asked.

"Well, yeah. He's with his Dad here. I think they wanted to see the race." Cruz tried to remember.

"I'm guessing you heard the news," Cal said, surprising both Rush and Cruz.

"Whoa! Where did you come from?" Cruz asked.

"From the Dinoco booth. My Dad took me here." Cal pointed out.

"Man, I'm sorry I took your sponsorship. I want you to have it back – it's what Dash would have wanted." Rush nobly offered.

"What? But, aren't you racing?" Cal asked.

"No. I'm not. I shouldn't – out of respect for my fallen friend." Rush continued down his redemptive path.

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